Should I Tell My Therapist Everything? Will It Get Me in Trouble?
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There’s so much you want to tell your therapist. But can you trust them?
For the most part, you can. Therapists take confidentiality seriously. Any therapist who doesn’t is at risk of losing their license, because every single type of therapist is bound by professional rules that require them to maintain it.
And it’s more than just a requirement. Confidentiality is a philosophy that gets to the very heart of what therapy is about. If you can’t trust a therapist not to tell other people the deeply personal information you share with them, therapy won’t work. You’ll hold back, lie, or avoid the topic you most need to talk about, and your therapy will stay on the surface of your life, not touching or changing it much.
While confidentiality is a central principle of therapy, there are a few exceptions to it. These have been introduced over time, as lawmakers and the public have decided there are some situations where public safety takes precedence over therapeutic principles.
What Are Exceptions to Confidentiality?
Exceptions to confidentiality include the following:
- You report child abuse to a therapist
- You report elder or vulnerable adult abuse to a therapist
- You present an imminent risk of harm to yourself or others
- You sue your therapist for incompetence—or your therapist sues you
- You try to enlist your therapist in active commission or cover-up of a crime
- You are trying to prove or disprove your sanity or competence in a court of law
- You are subject to a court order for a therapist to release information about you
- You are claiming emotional damages in a lawsuit or are otherwise trying to prove your mental state in a court of law
- You are the subject of a national security investigation or are otherwise suspected of having committed acts of terrorism
In short, the only times your therapist is allowed to share your information without your consent is when you present a risk of harm to yourself or others, when information related to your mental health is at issue in a court case, or when your therapist is ordered by a judge to do so.
Keep in mind, though, that for the most part, therapists don’t want to report their clients. They only do it when it’s absolutely necessary or required by law.
This means a good therapist isn’t going to try to get you committed the moment you tell them you’ve ever had suicidal thoughts (or thoughts of hurting someone else).
Instead, they’ll explore these thoughts with you and will only report this information or escalate if you have a specific, active plan, the intent to carry it out, and access to the means to do so.
Otherwise, they will treat the thoughts as the symptom they are and help you tailor a treatment plan with additional supports to help you address them. (And in the rare case they do send you to a hospital, you’ll probably be glad you went, because it will probably save your life.)
What Aren't Exceptions to Confidentiality?
Most of the other things you might be worried about a therapist telling someone else about are probably things they can’t.
Unless they are part of an active plan to intentionally harm yourself or others (or unless you’re in mandated therapy and have agreed for your therapist to disclose information to the person or organization mandating your therapy), the following are not exceptions to confidentiality:
- You tell a therapist you are using legal drugs
- You tell a therapist you are using illegal drugs
- You tell a therapist you have a pretty serious substance use problem
- You tell a therapist you are engaging in dangerous or high-risk behavior but you do not have the intent to harm or kill yourself or others as a result of it
- You tell a therapist about a past crime you committed that is not child abuse, elder or vulnerable adult abuse, or an act of terrorism or organized crime
Note that an exception to these exceptions is if your therapist ever receives a court order (that is, an order from a judge) to release your records or testify in court about you.
However, this doesn’t happen often, and you would need to have an active court case for there to even be a risk of it happening. (Therapists also tend to leave out unnecessary details from your notes in case they are ever ordered to release them.)
There are few places your personal information is more protected than when you’re sharing it with a therapist. Your therapist doesn’t want to break the law, lose their license, mess up your therapy, or lose your trust by breaking confidentiality except when they absolutely have to.
So, while there is no perfect guarantee that your secrets are safe with your therapist, you can walk into your therapist’s office with confidence that they are (especially if you know what the exceptions to confidentiality are and whether they apply to what you want to talk to your therapist about).
And the rewards of opening up to a therapist are immense. Talking about secrets takes away their power. When you explore things you feel ashamed, uncertain, or self-conscious about with a therapist, you can make peace with them, let them go, or realize you never had a reason to be ashamed in the first place. So please, give it a chance—good therapy can change your life.
Whether you’re new to therapy or have been going for a while, you may be struggling with a pretty big question: “Should I tell my therapist everything?”
The purpose of therapy is to provide a safe space where you can talk about all the things you can’t talk about anywhere else. The reason your confidential relationship with your therapist is protected by law is that therapy just doesn’t work if you can’t trust that your therapist will keep your secrets.
But you probably know that there are exceptions to confidentiality, and lack of clarity about exactly what these are can make opening up in therapy feel even scarier than it already does.
Even the most ethical, above-the-board disclosures by therapists can shatter a client’s trust in therapy forever. Stories from clients who were hurt by a therapist’s disclosure might make you afraid to share important information with your therapist—or want to avoid therapy altogether.
We’re here to help. We want you to be able to walk into therapy confident and well-informed about what your therapist can and can’t share. Trust us—there is very little a good therapist can or would ever tell anyone about you. (And there are red flags that can help you spot and avoid the bad ones.)
We also want to go a little deeper and explore why it can be scary to share even those things you know your therapist can’t tell anyone else. It takes a lot of courage to open up in therapy—but the rewards can be huge.
Read on for some real talk about the consequences of telling—or not telling—your therapist everything.
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On This Page
What Shouldn't I Tell My Therapist?
There really isn’t much you shouldn’t tell your therapist. But it’s a good idea to try not to tell them everything all at once.
Research shows that about 20 percent of clients leave therapy early and that most of the people who drop out of therapy quit after only two sessions.
There are many reasons people quit therapy so soon after they begin, and one of them is that they feel overwhelmed by how much they shared in their first session. They feel so nervous about having to go back and follow up about it that they just don’t go back.
Your therapist can handle however much you're ready to tell them—but the key is knowing what you are ready for.
A relationship with a therapist is like any relationship in that it flows better and is much more rewarding if you open up and share about yourself slowly, over time, as you get to know and trust one another better. If you go into full confession mode right away, you may worry you’ll be rejected for it.
Chances are extremely low your therapist would reject you for anything you tell them, but you may feel rejected even if your therapist is warm and caring toward you. Your self-loathing might kick in and make it feel too difficult to ever face that same therapist again who now knows that thing about you.
So, our advice is to take it slow. You can start by telling your therapist your therapy goals, your reasons for coming to therapy, and the basic stuff that doesn’t feel too terribly personal: for example, whether you’re having symptoms of anxiety or depression, thinking about changing your career, or wanting to improve your relationships.
It’s probably best to wait before sharing the thing you’re most afraid of someone else knowing about you or your worst childhood memories. Again, it’s not bad to share these things early in therapy, and your therapist can handle it if you do. But chances are good it will make you feel bad, because it’s nerve-wracking to share your carefully guarded secrets with anyone—even a therapist.
The Easiest Way to Waste Your Time and Money in Therapy
Therapists find most of what you tell them interesting, because it’s all a clue to the beautiful mystery that is you.
That said, there are diminishing returns for giving your therapist details about your sandwich order from lunch, that outrageous gossip you heard at work, or what you think about today’s weather.
Therapy is a beautiful opportunity to go deeper than most of your conversations allow you to go. Your therapist actually wants to know the real answer to the question, “How are you?”
Superficial chit-chat and banter can be okay as an ice breaker at the beginning of a session, but spending any more than a few minutes chatting with your therapist the same way you would with a friend or a co-worker is a waste of the time and money you’re investing in therapy.
So, among the very few things we would say you shouldn’t tell your therapist are the chatty details of your day. Avoid the safe subjects you don’t have any big feelings or deep thoughts about and the conversation topics you use to put others at ease in casual social situations.
Your therapist doesn’t need any of that careful social tending. They want to know how you really feel and what you really think. So, tell them—you need to for therapy to work anyway!
Your therapist will ask a lot of really personal questions in the beginning. Answer them as honestly as you can, but keep in mind you don’t have to share any more details than you feel ready to share. It’s perfectly legitimate to tell your therapist, “I’m not comfortable talking about that yet.”
And while we don’t recommend lying to your therapist (read on for more about what happens when you do), it’s not the end of the world if you do, especially in the beginning. Sometimes, telling little white lies or lying by omission early on in therapy is the only thing that makes you feel safe enough to keep going until you feel ready to tell your therapist the truth.
What If I Lie to My Therapist?
Maybe the thought of lying in therapy seems strange to you, or maybe you’ve already done it.
Either way, it’s not unusual—in fact, researchers have found that more than 90 percent of therapy clients lie to their therapists.
One of the most common lies people tell their therapists is that they’re enjoying or getting a lot out of therapy when they’re not.
It’s totally counterproductive to do this, but also totally understandable—most of us don’t like to bluntly tell others that we don’t like them or that we don’t think they’re doing a good job. And most people go into therapy wanting their therapist to like and think well of them—not resent them for telling them they think they suck.
Pro Tip!
It might seem weird, but it’s actually okay to tell your therapist you think they suck. Maybe you can find a kinder or more diplomatic way to say it—your therapist will probably appreciate it—but they actually want to know when what they’re doing isn’t working.
For more information about how to talk to your therapist about this and other difficult subjects—and how to decide when it just isn’t worth it to keep seeing your therapist—you can read our articles, “What If I Don’t Like My Therapist?” and “How Do I Break Up with My Therapist?”
Therapy clients also lie about how severe their symptoms are, what they’re insecure about, and how bad they’re feeling. It’s also common to lie about having suicidal thoughts.
The downside of telling any of these lies (or others) is that it limits how helpful your therapist can be. If a therapist doesn’t know how bad it really is for you, or that the way they’re working with you isn’t helping, you’re probably going to end up feeling pretty dissatisfied with therapy. You may even quit early without having been helped much by it.
Pro Tip!
It’s a lot more effective to tell a therapist, “I’m not ready to talk about that yet,” or “There’s something I want to tell you, but not yet,” than it is to lie about it. This way, your therapist will know there’s something important to come back to when you feel ready, but also that it’s not the right time to go into it now. Good therapists will respect this boundary when you set it.
Therapy is many things, and one of the most important is that it’s a quest for the truth. The truer a picture your therapist has of you, the more they’re going to be able to help you.
That said, some truths are hard to tell. Therapists know this, too. Telling your therapist a lie, especially early on, is not going to doom you or prevent you from being helped by therapy. It’s just going to limit how helpful therapy is for you—until you’re ready to tell the truth.
Will My Therapist Think I'm Weird? Will They Hate Me?
You might worry about sharing something even if you know your therapist can’t break confidentiality or report it—you might simply worry that your therapist will judge you for it.
If so, you’re not alone. It’s normal in nearly every social situation to be conscious of how you come across and to avoid saying or doing things that might cause someone else to dislike or reject you. These instincts don’t go away just because you intellectually know therapy is supposed to be different.
And it doesn’t help when you hear horror stories from people whose bad therapists acted unethically or unprofessionally and left them feeling rejected, worse about themselves, or looked down upon.
We’re not going to lie—those bad therapists are out there, but good therapists don’t do that.
Good therapists appreciate the sacred nature of what happens in therapy and see you in a different way than anyone else does.
A good therapist doesn’t stop where most people stop when you tell them something weird about you (if it’s actually weird—it probably isn’t nearly as weird as you think). They don’t just go, “Wow, that’s weird.” First, they know we’re all “weird” when no one else is looking, because “normal” is just an act we put on when we’re in public.
Second, and even more importantly, they care. They’re curious, maybe even fascinated by what you’re telling them, and they want to help you figure out why you do that weird thing you do. And nearly always, the reason is something that makes a therapist feel compassion or respect for you, not ridicule.
Even if the way you cope is quirky, what’s driving your behavior is probably something a lot of people can relate to and understand—including your therapist.
What Happens If I Tell My Therapist I'm Suicidal?
One of the scariest things to tell a therapist is that you’re having suicidal thoughts. It’s scary just to have them. Thinking about suicide can make you feel defective, broken, or like you have a dark secret you have to hide at all costs. It’s hard to tell anyone out of fear of how they might judge you—even a therapist.
Then there’s the fact that one of the few times a therapist can break confidentiality is when you’re a danger to yourself or others. You might worry that the second you tell your therapist that you’ve ever thought about killing yourself, they’ll immediately want to call an emergency hotline, transfer you to a higher level of care, or even try to get you hospitalized.
Fortunately, though, there’s more nuance to it than that. Simply telling your therapist you’ve ever had suicidal thoughts does not mean they will immediately try to escalate the situation or refer you out.
After all, if you can’t talk to a therapist about suicidal thoughts, who else can you possibly talk to?
Therapists are familiar with the topic of suicidality, trained to talk about it and treat it with nuance, and are aware of how common suicidal thoughts actually are.
While there’s a chance an inexperienced therapist might get anxious if you tell them you’re thinking about suicide, veteran therapists will calmly explore this with you and gather information to determine if what you’re experiencing actually indicates you need a higher level of care.
You may well be in an advanced state of crisis that requires more than weekly therapy to address. Or working with a therapist may be all you need to deal with your suicidal thoughts. Your therapist will help you figure that out.
Is Therapy Enough or Do I Need a Higher Level of Care?
There are some important and specific distinctions therapists use to determine your risk level when you tell them you’ve had suicidal thoughts (or thoughts of harming someone else).
Therapists are allowed—and ...
There are some important and specific distinctions therapists use to determine your risk level when you tell them you’ve had suicidal thoughts (or thoughts of harming someone else).
Therapists are allowed—and in some states, required—to break confidentiality when a client presents an imminent risk of harm to themselves or others. This means you need to have:
- Active, current thoughts about seriously harming (or killing) yourself or others
- Specific ideas about how you would do it—and an active plan and intent to do it
- Knowledge of and access to the means to carry out your plan to harm yourself or others
When all of these are true, the appropriate level of care is hospitalization. But that’s not a bad thing if it’s what you actually need. The whole point of going to a psychiatric unit for a few days (the average length of stay is 3 to 10 days) is to keep you safe and stabilize you until you’re no longer a danger to yourself or others.
Even if you don’t enjoy your time in the hospital (some do!), it might just save your life—and most people who are prevented from harming themselves or others are deeply grateful they were. The nadir of a crisis is often an inflection point when life really starts to turn around and get better.
That said, hospitalization is not warranted when:
- You’ve had suicidal (or homicidal) thoughts in the past, but not recently
- You have vague, non-specific suicidal thoughts (such as “Sometimes, I wish I was dead”)
- You have semi-specific thoughts, but no plan or intent to act on them (i.e. “I sometimes wish I was dead but I would never do that to my family”)
Depending on the specific nature of your thoughts, and any risk or protective factors you have in your life, your therapist may:
- Have you sign a safety contract that spells out the steps you’ll take if your thoughts get worse or more specific,
- Suggest additional care besides therapy (such as group therapy or medication) or that you start coming to therapy more often, and/or
- Give you information about local crisis intervention resources including state or local crisis lines or walk-in centers where you can get 24/7 crisis care.
A good therapist will not report you or try to get you hospitalized just because you’ve ever thought about suicide or just because the idea recently, startlingly, popped into your mind. They have to have other information or evidence that your risk level for suicide is high.
Your therapist is there to help you figure out why this is happening and address the root cause as well as any immediate crisis you’re in. This means they need to be caring, respectful, and sensitive to what’s actually going on with you, and not take a one-size-fits-all approach.
A good therapist will want to help you get into a higher level of care if it’s really what you need—but they won’t try to escalate and push you into one if it isn’t.
Ultimately, no matter what kind of suicidal thoughts you’re having, or what your risk level is, you should tell your therapist.
Therapists are not the thought police, and their response to you is not punishment for having the wrong kind of thoughts. The plan of action a good therapist comes up with will be tailored to your specific situation so that you get the care you need to stay safe and get through a crisis.
A good therapist will not push you into a higher level of care if it isn’t what you need. They will not judge you. Instead, they will meet you where you are and do all they can to help you.
Where to Call for Help
If you’re going through a mental health crisis, there’s someone you can call.
If you’re at immediate risk of harm, or have already harmed yourself, you should call 911 immediately.
If you’re thinking of suicide, but are not at immediate risk of harm if you don’t get medical intervention right away, you can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or a local mental health crisis hotline.
For lists of different mental health crisis hotlines you can call, you can go to any of the following pages on our site:
- National and International Suicide Hotlines
- Free Mental Health Hotlines in the United States
- The United States Mental Health Services Guide
On that last page, you can find information specific to your state, including the mental health crisis hotline for your city or county. Just select your state to get the local information you need.
What If I Tell My Therapist About Using Drugs?
Is your therapist cool or are they a narc? What will they do if you tell them you use alcohol, marijuana, or other legal drugs?
What will they do if you tell them you use illegal drugs? And what will they do if you tell them you’re using a lot of drugs, injecting drugs, or engaging in other high-risk behavior related to drug use?
Nothing. Your therapist will do nothing.
Well, not exactly. They’ll want to talk about it. They’ll want to explore what you’re doing, and why, and whether it’s causing problems in your life. They’ll want to know if it’s affecting your physical or mental health.
But they won’t turn you in to the cops. The only way drug use is ever an exception to confidentiality is if you tell a therapist you have an active plan to end your life (or someone else’s) by causing an intentional overdose.
Can I Address Substance Use in Therapy?
When you’re concerned about your substance use, it can be confusing to know what to do and where to go. Is therapy enough, or do you need to go to a substance abuse program?
We’re here to help. We’ve written a series of articles to help you navigate the complex and sometimes confusing world of substance abuse treatment. The following articles can help you explore what level or type of treatment you might need:
- Levels of Care for Substance Abuse Treatment
- How Therapy for Substance Use and Addiction Works
- What’s the Difference Between Substance Use Counseling and Therapy?
In short, you can address issues related to substance use in therapy. However, you’ll want to make sure your therapist has the experience and training to help you. If not, you may want to look for another therapist or seek additional treatment or support in addition to therapy.
Yes, substance use can cause you harm or put you at risk of harm. But that’s also true of a lot of other dangerous things you can do that a therapist can’t break confidentiality about or report you for.
For example, if you tell your therapist you like to drive way faster than the speed limit, or engage in risky sexual behavior, or pick fights at bars with people twice your size, they’ll want to explore that with you, and help you stop if you want to stop. But they won’t call and tell your spouse, your employer, or the cops.
In fact, they can’t. They risk losing their license if they do. And no good therapist would want to do that anyway. Their whole job is to provide a safe, judgment-free zone where you can talk about, and perhaps address, any behavior you want to change—or simply understand.
It’s not that drug use can’t be a form of self-harm or that it can’t put you at risk of severe consequences to your health and well-being, up to and including death. It’s not that your therapist will be indifferent or won’t worry about what you’re doing.
It’s that it’s not your therapist’s job to control you. Their job is to help you understand why you do what you do.
The reason there are exceptions to confidentiality when you are actively suicidal or homicidal is that the risk is so extreme and specific. (It’s also because awful events have spurred states to enact laws allowing or requiring therapists to disclose in those specific circumstances.)
For the most part, it’s a therapist’s job to help you navigate the gray areas and dark places in your life and help you find your way to where you want to be—not judge you and turn you in.
What If I Tell My Therapist I Committed a Crime?
Guilt over harm you caused in the past or fear of consequences of a crime you committed are good reasons to go to therapy. But can you trust a therapist with the details of what you did?
It depends. The simple rule of thumb in therapy is that if you did it a long time ago, a therapist probably can’t or won’t report it. But if you’re doing it now, or are planning on doing it in the future, a therapist may be allowed, or even required, to report it.
There are exceptions, however, to this general rule of thumb. Read the tips box below for more details.
What Are the Exceptions to Confidentiality?
Exceptions to confidentiality vary from state to state. But in general, they fall into one of a few categories:
- When a client reports child abuse
- When a client reports elder abuse or vulnerable adult abuse
- When a client presents ...
Exceptions to confidentiality vary from state to state. But in general, they fall into one of a few categories:
- When a client reports child abuse
- When a client reports elder abuse or vulnerable adult abuse
- When a client presents an imminent risk of harm to self or others
- When there is a court order for a therapist to release information
In most cases, therapists are only allowed to break confidentiality if a client presents an active threat of harm. However, there is some variation in state laws about child abuse, and in some states, therapists may be encouraged (or required) to report child abuse even if it occurred in the past.
This is because some laws consider the risk of a past abuser continuing to abuse any children or minors currently under their care. (In some states, this perspective may be applied to elder abuse or vulnerable adult abuse as well.)
Therapists may also be required to release information if you’re under federal investigation for acts of terrorism or some kinds of organized crime.
But therapists are not required, or even allowed, to report any other kind of violence or harm that happened in the past and that is not at risk of happening again. That said, there is not a perfect guarantee of confidentiality if you confess past crimes to a therapist.
While a therapist cannot legally volunteer that information to police (or anyone), if someone else has reason to suspect you of a crime, and suspects your therapist knows, they can seek to have a judge in a criminal or civil proceeding order your therapist to release your records or testify in court. If the judge agrees, and orders your therapist to share what they know, they will have no choice but to disclose what you’ve told them.
Savvy therapists will likely choose to leave details of anything you confess out of your notes, and if they are compelled to testify, they can push back, claim privilege, and say they don’t want to answer. However, if a judge overrules them and requires them to answer a question about what you told them, they have to answer.
You might wonder about more than just what your therapist is able or required to report, though. You might wonder if they’ll judge you, or even have to stop seeing you as a client if what you tell them is too disturbing.
First, consider what you have to confess in context of everything else a therapist might hear. Therapists hear a lot of things. People confess their darkest secrets to them. Depending on what they’ve heard, and their views, what you might think of as an awful confession might barely register to a therapist as bad.
For example, your therapist might have worked with someone who murdered multiple people or someone who devastated dozens of people financially. If so, that one time you punched someone, or that time you hit another car in a parking lot and peeled out without telling anyone, might seem pretty tame to them in comparison.
Also consider why you’d be telling them. The vast majority of therapists do what they do because they believe everyone has the capacity to heal and change and because they respect and enjoy working with people who want to change. They might not respect what you did, but they’ll respect that you’re trying to address it.
If you're coming into therapy with guilt over something you did, you're probably wanting to figure out how to make amends or at least how to never hurt someone like that again. Most therapists will be moved by this and want to help you.
But yes, there is a chance you might tell your therapist something that would shock them. In rare cases, your therapist might have been victimized in a similar way or have another reason that they wouldn’t be able to work with you anymore (in which case, they would simply refer you to another therapist).
In extremely rare cases—such as if you confessed to a string of unsolved serial murders—they might decide it’s worth risking or giving up their license (and their entire career) to break professional laws and report it. But that level of drama is usually reserved for the movies.
For the most part, your therapist respects your desire to deal with what you did and embraces their role—which is not to get you in trouble, but to help you heal.
What Can My Therapist Report? What Does My Therapist Have to Report?
In the last section, we briefly went over the general categories of what a therapist has to report. But it’s a little more complicated than that.
First, to review: as mandated reporters, therapists are required to report any information they receive about child, elder, or vulnerable adult abuse. Depending on the state, they are either allowed or required to break confidentiality if a client presents an active and immediate threat of harm to themselves or others.
Which States Have "Duty to Warn" Laws?
In response to the 1976 Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California case, many states adopted “duty to warn” laws. The purpose of these laws is to try to prevent violent crime by allowing therapists to warn people when one of their clients is planning to harm someone.
There are two types of “duty to warn” laws: “mandatory” and “permissive.” In states with mandatory duty to warn laws, therapists are required to disclose information when a client tells them that they plan to harm or kill someone else. In states with permissive duty to warn laws, therapists are allowed to disclose this information, but they are not required to do so.
As of 2023, all but four states have some kind of duty to warn law. For updated information about whether a particular state has duty to warn laws and whether they are mandatory or permissive, you can go to this webpage published by the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Therapists are also required to release records or testify in court if they receive a court order. This means that if a judge tells them they have to do it, they have no choice unless they want to be held in contempt of court, which can result in fines or jail time. (But they don’t have to share your information just because a lawyer tries to get them to—the ultimate say comes from the judge.)
There are a few other exceptions you might want to consider. First, if you are going to therapy because someone compelled you to—such as child protective services, a judge, or a parent (if you’re under 18)—your therapist may be allowed or required to disclose information to the person or organization that’s making you go to prove that you’re meeting the requirements of your mandated therapy.
However, if this is the case, your therapist will explain it to you from the beginning. And the ethical rules they follow limit what they can disclose to the smallest amount of information necessary. In some cases, this may mean simply confirming that you attended your required sessions.
Your Therapist Is Not Your Partner in Crime
Other important exceptions to confidentiality apply if you are in any way trying to use therapy to mitigate or avoid legal consequences of a crime you committed (or are planning to commit) or are raising the issue of your own mental health in a legal proceeding.
This means there are exceptions to confidentiality when:
- You are claiming emotional damages in a lawsuit
- You sue your therapist—or your therapist sues you
- You are the subject of a national security investigation
- You are suspected of having committed acts of terrorism
- You try to enlist your therapist in active commission or cover-up of a crime
- You are trying to prove or disprove your sanity or competence in a court of law
Again, most therapists will respect any efforts you make in good faith to atone for or address a past crime in therapy. But if you’re actively involved with the legal system, don’t expect therapy to be a “get out of jail free” card. In most cases, it isn’t.
Sometimes, working with a therapist might help your case, but you might also unwittingly tell your therapist something they have to disclose that could end up hurting it. And don’t expect your therapist to help you commit fraud—they may end up reporting you for it instead.
While we think it’s important to know and consider all of the exceptions to confidentiality, we encourage you to think about your therapist as a person, too.
Most therapists don’t want to report clients. Most therapists don’t want to escalate a situation when you tell them something in confidence and are asking for their help.
Therapists want to honor your privacy and your trust in them. They take many steps to limit how much information other people can get from them, including writing minimalistic session notes, pushing back against legal requests that are anything less than a court order, and taking a case-by-case approach to dealing with client crises.
So, while it’s important to be informed and to understand the exceptions to confidentiality, it’s equally important to remember why therapists do what they do—and what brings you to therapy. You’re there to get help, not get reported or get in trouble, and to the extent they can, your therapist wants to honor that.
Conclusion: Can I Trust My Therapist?
There’s so much you want to tell your therapist. But can you trust them?
For the most part, you can. Therapists take confidentiality seriously. Any therapist who doesn’t is at risk of losing their license, because every single type of therapist is bound by professional rules that require them to maintain it.
And it’s more than just a requirement.
Confidentiality is a philosophy that gets to the very heart of what therapy is about.
If you can’t trust a therapist not to tell other people the deeply personal information you share with them, therapy won’t work. You’ll hold back, lie, or avoid the topic you most need to talk about, and your therapy will stay on the surface of your life, not touching or changing it much.
While confidentiality is a central principle of therapy, there are a few exceptions to it. These have been introduced over time, as lawmakers and the public have decided there are some situations where public safety takes precedence over therapeutic principles.
Keep in mind, though, that for the most part, therapists don't want to report their clients. They only do it when it's absolutely necessary or required by law.
So, while there is no perfect guarantee that your secrets are safe with your therapist, you can walk into your therapist’s office with confidence that they are (especially if you know what the exceptions to confidentiality are and whether they apply to what you want to talk to your therapist about).
And the rewards of opening up to a therapist are immense. Talking about secrets takes away their power. When you explore things you feel ashamed, uncertain, or self-conscious about with a therapist, you can make peace with them, let them go, or realize you never had a reason to be ashamed in the first place. So please, give it a chance—good therapy can change your life.
Stephanie Hairston
Stephanie Hairston is a freelance mental health writer who spent several years in the field of adult mental health before transitioning to professional writing and editing. As a clinical social worker, she provided group and individual therapy, crisis intervention services, and psychological assessments.