Your (Unofficial) Guide to State-Sponsored Therapy in Michigan
There’s a way to get affordable mental health care that you might not know about. That’s Michigan’s mental health system.
If you qualify, you can get mental health care at a community mental health program for a small co-pay or low sliding-scale fee. But even if you don’t qualify for services at a state-funded provider, Michigan’s system can still give you information, referrals to local providers, and other essential help for free.

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Have you been in therapy before?
If you’re in a hurry and want to get the most important information about what’s available in the Michigan mental health system and who it’s for, you can read our quick start guide below.
Quick Start Guide
Quick facts about Michigan’s mental health system:
- Michigan has significantly increased mental health funding in the last few years in order to improve and expand its public mental health system.
- Funding is going toward supporting the new statewide 988 crisis line, opening more crisis stabilization units, and expanding community mental health services.
- Public outpatient mental health services in Michigan are provided by community mental health services providers (CMHSPs) and affiliated private clinics.
- Most Michigan community mental health services programs accept Medicaid and offer low sliding-scale fees to people without insurance coverage.
What services are available?
- Michigan’s mental health system provides specialty and intensive mental health services that can be hard to find anywhere else, like case management, day treatment, and community-based care.
- Outpatient mental health services including psychiatric evaluation, medication, and therapy are also available at most community mental health services programs.
Who’s eligible?
- Some services, such as state and local crisis and information lines, are available to any Michigan resident without exception.
- Some services are only available to people who have severe conditions like major depression or schizophrenia. However, more people have one of these conditions than realize it! In fact, 1 in 10 Americans experience major depression each year.
Where can you get started?
- You can reach local mental health crisis and information services from anywhere in Michigan by dialing 988.
- You can find contact information for local state-funded programs (as well as the number of your local crisis line) by scrolling to your region in the directory below.
To learn more about public mental health services in Michigan, keep reading. We’ve done the research to uncover essential facts about who’s eligible, what services you can get, when to go, where to call, and how it works so you can decide if Michigan’s mental health system might be right for you.
Who Is Eligible?
You should consider looking into the Michigan mental health system if you (or a loved one) are having a mental health crisis, have a severe mental health condition, have Medicaid, or have a limited income.
Everyone in Michigan can use the state-funded mental health emergency response system. If you or someone you love is in crisis, you can call a state or local crisis line to get the help you need, quickly.
Use the State System When You're in Crisis
Public mental health services are usually the best option if you’re having a mental health crisis and need help right away.
State mental health programs are required to provide mental health crisis response services and are one of the fastest ways to get care when you’re having a mental health emergency.
The people who answer state and local crisis lines can provide caring attention and support as they help you determine the best response to a crisis, whether it’s inpatient treatment or an appointment with a counselor.
Even if you’re not in crisis, you can call your local mental health hotline for information about affordable mental health services in your area. When you call, you can find out whether you might qualify for state-funded mental health services, schedule an assessment, or get free information about other affordable local providers.
Other parts of the system have stricter eligibility requirements. You either need to have Medicaid or a serious mental health condition (a diagnosable condition that affects your daily functioning) to qualify for public outpatient mental health care in most Michigan counties. However, more people have a qualifying condition than realize it. Don’t assume you’re not eligible!
What Is Serious Mental Illness?
In most cases, you either have to have Medicaid or a serious mental illness (SMI) to be eligible for services at a Michigan community mental health services program (CMHSP).
Serious mental illness is usually defined as a condition that causes you severe distress, limits your ability to function, makes it hard for you to live independently without support, or puts you at risk of hospitalization. Conditions that can qualify as SMI include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression.
This list is not exhaustive, however, and other conditions qualify. Some counties simply require that you have a mental health condition, so it’s worth calling your CMHSP to check.
Public outpatient mental health services in Michigan are provided by community mental health services programs (CMHSPs).
One of the most important requirements you need to meet to get services at a CMHSP is to be a resident of the county or region it serves.
It’s a great option if you’re a county resident with a public insurance plan. If you qualify for Medicaid and have a mental health condition, you’re likely to be eligible for services at your local CMHSP.
If you have Medicaid or qualify for Medicaid, you’re eligible for public mental health services as long as those services are medically necessary. Services are considered medically necessary when you have a mental health condition that impacts your well-being and when that condition will not improve without treatment.
If you don’t have Medicaid, though, that’s okay. If you have a qualifying mental health condition, most CMHSPs also offer services for affordable sliding-scale fees.
Check If You're Eligible for Medicaid
Medicaid is a great way to access the public mental health system in Michigan. Not only do all CMHSPs accept it, but you can also use it to get services at other providers.
Michigan accepted federal Medicaid expansion in 2014, so you’re eligible for Medicaid if your income is 138 percent of the federal poverty level or less. You may also qualify based on a combination of your income, your medical history, and your mental health condition.
If you’re not sure whether you’re eligible, it’s worth looking into. You can apply for Medicaid in person, by phone, or online. To learn more, you can go to your local Department of Human Services office or fill out an online application on the MI Bridges page or
In general, community mental health services programs aren’t the best place to go if you have mild mental health issues and are covered by a private insurance plan.
If you have private insurance, most CMHSPs in Michigan will direct you to find mental health providers through your insurance network. However, they will make exceptions if you need specialty services they offer that you can’t easily find elsewhere or that you can’t use your insurance to get.
Community mental health services programs also serve people without insurance. However, state funds for people without insurance are prioritized for people who are at risk of hospitalization or who need specialty or intensive services. So, if you don’t have SMI or Medicaid, you’re likely to be referred to another community provider by a CMHSP.
If you have a severe mental health condition, have recently been hospitalized for mental health reasons, are at risk of hospitalization, or have been homeless because of a mental health condition, you should definitely call your local CMHSP. Their specialized services are designed to help you address these challenges and get the support you need to regain stability while living at home in your local community.
Check Out the State System If You Need Specialized Services
Community mental health programs in Michigan are great places to find specialized and intensive mental health services like case management and day treatment that can be hard to find anywhere else. These specialty programs can give you extra help when you’re dealing with severe symptoms.
You may not need to have a serious mental health condition to qualify for services at a CMHSP if you meet income eligibility requirements. You may also qualify if you have a substance use disorder.
You can find the number for your CMHSP in the directory below. We encourage you to call even if you think you might not be eligible. Even if the program can’t admit you or doesn’t offer the service you want, they can probably still help you.
The people who work at CMHSPs are knowledgeable about local resources and will often give you free information or even referrals to other affordable providers, including local non-profits that provide free or low-cost counseling.
Where Do You Call to Get Started?
The easiest way to learn more about state mental healthcare in Michigan is to call your local CMHSP or crisis line. You can find those numbers in the directory in the next section.
There are also many numbers you can call for help no matter where you are in Michigan. You can find the numbers for statewide helplines and hotlines in the information box directly below.
Important Numbers in Michigan
The statewide Michigan mental health crisis hotline is 988.
The Crisis Text Line for the state of Michigan is 741741.
For help and referrals for mental health and many other needs, you can also call 211.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Helpline is 1-800-950-NAMI (6264).
You can reach the non-emergency NAMI Michigan Helpline by calling (517) 485-4049 or (800) 331-4264.
If you just need to talk to someone, you can call the Michigan Peer Warmline from 10AM to 2AM any day of the week at (888) 733-7753.
You can contact the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, which manages Michigan’s state mental health system, by calling (517) 241-3740.
Public mental health services in Michigan are managed on the state level by the Bureau of Specialty Behavioral Health Services in Michigan’s Department of Health and Human Services. For general information about Michigan’s mental health system, you can contact MDHHS at (517) 241-3740.
However, you’ll probably get the best results by calling a state or local crisis line or by calling your local CMHSP directly. You can find the contact information for your local programs in the directory below.
Michigan CMHSP Directory
Public outpatient mental health services in Michigan are provided by community mental health services programs (CMHSPs).
There are 83 counties in Michigan and 46 CMHSPs that serve those counties. Each CMHSP has a main phone number you can call to get information about mental health services as well as a crisis line you can call to get help in a crisis.
The Michigan mental health system is also administered by 10 managed care organizations called Pre-Paid Inpatient Health Plans (PIHPs). Each PIHP manages a network of community-based mental health providers in the region that includes both CMHSPs and smaller private providers.
These affiliated providers usually accept Medicaid, offer affordable sliding-scale fees, or help people who might otherwise have difficulty accessing the services they need. The admission criteria for private providers included in PIHP networks tend to be less strict than the criteria for CMHSPs.
You can find the contact information for your region’s PIHP, CMHSP, and affiliated private mental health providers in the directory below, as well as the number for your local mental health crisis line.
Michigan Clinics and Crisis Lines
Upper Peninsula Clinics and Crisis Lines
- Region 1 PIHP: Northcare Network
- Serving Alger, Baraga, Chippewa, Delta, Dickinson, Gogebic, Houghton, Iron, Keweenaw, Luce, Mackinac, Marquette, Menominee, Ontonagon, and Schoolcraft Counties
- Main Number: (906) 225-7254 or (888) 333-8030
- Access Line: (906) 225-4433 or (888) 906-9060
- Region 1 Community Mental Health Services Programs (CMHSPs):
- Copper Country Community Mental Health
- Serving Baraga, Houghton, Keweenaw, and Ontonagon Counties
- Main Number: (906) 482-9400
- Access Line: (906) 483-5555 or (877) 906-2264
- Crisis Line: (906) 482-9404 or (800) 526-5059
- Copper Country CMH Outpatient Clinics:
- Rice Memorial Center (Houghton): (906) 482-9404
- Rice Memorial Center, CLK Branch (Calumet): (906) 337-5810
- Baraga County Center (L’Anse): (906) 524-5885
- Ontonagon County Center (Ontonagon): (906) 884-4804
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Access Psychological (L’Anse): (906) 228-8881
- Aspirus Keweenaw Laurium Clinic (Laurium): (906) 337-6560
- Dial Help Crisis Support Hotline (Houghton): (800) 562-7622
- Great Lakes Recovery Centers:
- (906) 482-7710 (Hancock)
- (906) 275-2046 (L’Anse)
- North Coast Counseling Services (Hancock): (906) 523-5580
- Upper Great Lakes Family Health Center:
- (906) 483-1705 (Main Number)
- (906) 482-4357 (Crisis Line)
- (906) 483-1177 (Calumet)
- (906) 346-9275 (Gwinn)
- (906) 483-1060 (Hancock)
- (906) 483-1860 (Houghton)
- (906) 265-5378 (Iron River)
- (906) 483-1030 (Lake Linden)
- (906) 290-5000 (Menominee)
- (906) 884-4120 (Ontonagon)
- Copper Country Community Mental Health
- Gogebic Community Mental Health
- Serving Gogebic County
- Main Number: (906) 229-6100
- Access Line: (833) 906-5437
- Crisis Line: (800) 348-0032
- Gogebic CMH Outpatient Clinics:
- Main Outpatient Clinic (Wakefield): (906) 229-6120
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Aspirus Ironwood Clinic (Ironwood): (906) 932-1500
- Aspirus Ironwood Hospital (Ironwood): (906) 932-2525
- Great Lakes Recovery Centers (Ironwood): (906) 364-7506
- Gogebic Community Mental Health
- Hiawatha Behavioral Health
- Serving Chippewa, Mackinac, and Schoolcraft Counties
- Main Number: (906) 341-2144
- Crisis Line: (800) 839-9443
- Hiawatha Behavioral Health Outpatient Clinics:
- Chippewa County Clinic (Sault Ste. Marie): (906) 632-2805
- Schoolcraft County Clinic (Manistique): (906) 341-2144
- Mackinac County Clinic (St. Ignace): (906) 643-8616
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Alcona Health Center (Pickford): (906) 647-2217
- Great Lakes Recovery Centers:
- (906) 632-9809 (Sault Ste. Marie)
- (906) 643-0944 (St. Ignace)
- Sacred Heart Center (St. Ignace): (906) 984-2080
- Hiawatha Behavioral Health
- Northpointe Behavioral Health System
- Serving Dickinson, Iron, and Menominee Counties
- Main Number: (906) 774-0522 or (800) 750-0522
- Crisis Line: (800) 750-0522
- Northpointe Behavioral Health Outpatient Clinics:
- Iron County Clinic (Iron River): (906) 265-5126
- Dickinson County Clinic (Kingsford): (906) 774-0522
- Menominee County Clinic (Menominee): (906) 863-7841
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Aspirus Iron River Clinic (Iron River): (906) 265-0499
- Bellin Health Psychiatric Centers:
- (920) 433-6073 (Daggett)
- (920) 388-4640 (Iron Mountain)
- Great Lakes Recovery Centers (Iron Mountain): (906) 774-2561
- Northpointe Behavioral Health System
- Pathways Community Mental Health
- Serving Alger, Delta, Luce, and Marquette Counties
- Main Number: (833) 520-5381
- Access Line: (906) 225-7270
- Crisis Line: (888) 728-4929
- Pathways CMH Outpatient Offices:
- Alger County Office (Munising): (906) 387-3611
- Delta County Office (Escanaba): (906) 786-6441
- Luce County Office (Newberry): (906) 293-3284
- Marquette County Office (Marquette): (906) 225-1181
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Bellin Health Psychiatric Centers (Escanaba): (920) 433-6073
- Great Lakes Recovery Centers:
- (906) 789-3528 (Escanaba)
- (906) 291-3400 (Munising)
- (906) 228-6545 (Marquette)
- (906) 485-2347 (Negaunee)
- UP Health System Marquette Outpatient Behavioral Health Services: (906) 449-1600
- Pathways Community Mental Health
Northern Michigan Clinics and Crisis Lines
- Region 2 PIHP: Northern Michigan Regional Entity
- Serving Alcona, Alpena, Antrim, Benzie, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Crawford, Emmet, Grand Traverse, Iosco, Kalkaska, Leelanau, Manistee, Missaukee, Montmorency, Ogemaw, Oscoda, Otsego, Presque Isle, Roscommon, and Wexford Counties
- Main Number: (231) 487-9144
- Access Line: (800) 834-3393
- Region 2 Community Mental Health Services Programs (CMHSPs):
- AuSable Valley CMH Authority
- Serving Iosco, Oscoda, and Ogemaw Counties
- Main Number: (989) 362-8636
- Crisis Line: (844) 865-5569
- Access Line: (844) 225-8131
- AuSable Valley CMH Outpatient Clinics:
- Tawas City Clinic: (989) 362-8636
- West Branch Clinic: (989) 345-5571
- Oscoda Clinic: (989) 739-1469
- Mio Clinic: (989) 826-3208
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Alcona Health Center (Oscoda): (989) 739-2550
- Catholic Human Services Inc.:
- (989) 732-6761 (Mio)
- (989) 356-6385 (East Tawas)
- (989) 732-6761 (West Branch)
- McLaren Bay Psychiatric Associates (Bay City): (989) 922-4900
- Sacred Heart Center:
- (989) 894-2991 (Bay City)
- (989) 776-6000 (Saginaw)
- Saginaw Psychological Services:
- (989) 799-2100 (Saginaw)
- (989) 439-1513 (Bay City)
- Sterling Area Health Center (Sterling): (989) 654-2491
- Training and Treatment Innovations:
- (877) 688-5900 (Main Number)
- (989) 799-0066 (Saginaw)
- AuSable Valley CMH Authority
- Centra Wellness Network
- Serving Benzie and Manistee Counties
- Main Number: (877) 398-2013
- Crisis Line: (877) 398-2013
- Centra Wellness Network Outpatient Centers:
- Benzie Community Resource Center (Benzonia): (877) 398-2013
- Manistee Wellness Center (Manistee): (877) 398-2013
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Catholic Human Services Inc.:
- (231) 775-6581 (Benzonia)
- (231) 775-6581 (Manistee)
- Catholic Human Services Inc.:
- Centra Wellness Network
- North Country CMH Authority
- Serving Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Emmet, Kalkaska, and Otsego Counties
- Administration: (231) 347-7890
- Access Line: (877) 470-7130
- Crisis Line: (877) 470-4668
- North Country CMH Outpatient Clinics:
- Bellaire Clinic: (231) 533-8619
- Charlevoix Clinic: (231) 547-5885
- Cheboygan Clinic: (231) 627-5627
- Kalkaska Clinic: (231) 258-5133
- Petoskey Clinic: (231) 347-6701
- Gaylord Clinic: (989) 732-7558 or (989) 732-6292
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Alcona Health Center:
- (231) 238-8908 (Indian River)
- (231) 627-7118 (Cheboygan)
- (231) 348-9900 (Harbor Springs)
- Catholic Human Services Inc.:
- (989) 732-6761 (Mancelona)
- (989) 732-6761 (Gaylord)
- Old Town Psychological Services (Gaylord): (989) 448-8344
- PsychNorth PLLC (Petoskey): (231) 348-5018
- Munson Healthcare Outpatient Behavioral Health Services:
- (231) 547-8860 (Charlevoix)
- (231) 547-8860 (Boyne City)
- Alcona Health Center:
- North Country CMH Authority
- Northeast Michigan CMH Authority
- Serving Alcona, Alpena, Montmorency, and Presque Isle Counties
- Access Line: (989) 356-2161 or (800) 968-1964
- Crisis Line: (989) 356-2161 or (800) 968-1964
- Northeast Michigan CMH Outpatient Offices:
- Hillman Office: (989) 742-4549
- Rogers City Office: (989) 734-7223
- Lincoln Office: (989) 742-4549
- Alpena Office: (989) 356-2161
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Alcona Health Center:
- (989) 356-4049 (Alpena)
- (989) 724-5655 (Harrisville)
- (989) 736-8157 (Lincoln Clinic)
- (989) 358-3500 (Long Rapids)
- (989) 739-2550 (Oscoda Clinic)
- (989) 471-2156 (Ossineke Clinic)
- Catholic Human Services Inc.:
- (989) 356-6385 (Atlanta)
- (989) 356-6385 (Harrisville)
- (989) 356-6385 (Rogers City)
- Thunder Bay Community Behavioral Health Service:
- (989) 785-4855 (Atlanta Health Center)
- (989) 742-4583 (Hillman Health Center)
- (989) 733-2082 (Onaway Health Center)
- (989) 734-2052 (Rogers City Health Center)
- UMH Behavioral Health Outpatient Care (Alpena): (989) 356-7242
- Alcona Health Center:
- Northeast Michigan CMH Authority
- Northern Lakes CMH Authority
- Serving Crawford, Grand Traverse, Leelanau, Missaukee, Roscommon, and Wexford Counties
- Main Number: (231) 922-4850 or (800) 337-8598
- Access Line: (231) 922-4850 or (800) 492-5742
- Crisis Line: (833) 295-0616
- Northern Lakes CMH Outpatient Offices:
- (231) 922-4850 (Traverse City Office)
- (231) 775-3463 (Cadillac Office)
- (989) 366-8550 (Houghton Lake Office)
- (989) 348-8522 (Grayling Office)
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Cadillac Family Health Care Clinic (Cadillac): (231) 775-6521
- Catholic Human Services Inc.:
- (231) 947-8110 (Traverse City)
- (231) 775-6581 (Cadillac)
- (989) 732-6761 (Houghton Lake)
- Child and Family Services of NW Michigan (Traverse City): (231) 946-8975
- GRACE Center (Grayling): (989) 348-2544
- Munson Healthcare Outpatient Behavioral Health Services:
- (231) 935-6382 or (800) 662-6766 (Traverse City)
- (989) 348-0550 (Grayling Community Health Center)
- (231) 876-6200 (Cadillac Integrated Primary Care)
- Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services:
- (866) 852-4001 (Main Number)
- (231) 947-2255 (Traverse City Clinic)
- Northern Lakes CMH Authority
Western Michigan Clinics and Crisis Lines
- Region 3 PIHP: Lakeshore Regional Entity
- Serving Allegan, Kent, Lake, Mason, Muskegon, Oceana, and Ottawa Counties
- Main Number: (231) 769-2052
- Customer Service: (800) 897-3301
- Region 3 Community Mental Health Services Programs (CMHSPs):
- OnPoint Allegan
- Serving Allegan County
- Main Number: (877) 608-3568 or (269) 686-5124
- Access Line: (269) 673-0202 or (888) 354-0596
- Crisis Line: (888) 354-0596
- OnPoint Outpatient Offices:
- Main Clinic (Allegan): (269) 673-6617 or (800) 795-6617
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Allegan Hospital Psychological Medicine (Allegan): (269) 686-4110
- Arbor Circle Counseling Services (Allegan): (269) 673-1896
- Intercare Community Health (Pullman): (855) 869-6900
- OnPoint Allegan
- CMH of Ottawa County
- Serving Ottawa County
- Main Number: (616) 494-5545
- Administration: (616) 392-1873
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: (866) 512-4357
- Access Center: (616) 393-5681 or (877) 588-4357
- Ottawa County CMH Outpatient Offices:
- Holland Mental Health Center: (616) 392-1873
- Grand Haven Mental Health Center: (616) 842-5350
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Arbor Circle Counseling Services:
- (616) 456-6571 (Main Number)
- (616) 396-2301 (Holland Office)
- Catholic Charities of West Michigan Counseling Program (Holland): (616) 356-6247
- Holland Hospital Outpatient Behavioral Health Services (Holland): (616) 355-3926
- Intercare Community Health (Holland): (855) 869-6900
- Out Side In Equine-Assisted Therapy (Grand Haven): (616) 844-0906
- Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services:
- (866) 852-4001 (Main Number)
- (616) 820-3780 (Holland Clinic)
- (616) 847-5145 (Spring Lake Clinic)
- (616) 741-3790 (Zeeland Clinic)
- Second Story Counseling (Holland and Hudsonville): (616) 426-9034
- Wedgwood Professional Counseling Services (Holland): (616) 930-5004
- Arbor Circle Counseling Services:
- CMH of Ottawa County
- HealthWest
- Serving Muskegon County
- Main Number: (231) 724-1111
- Crisis Line: (231) 722-4357
- Access Line: (231) 720-3200
- HealthWest Outpatient Offices:
- Main Clinic (Muskegon): (231) 724-1111
- Terrace Street Office (Muskegon): (231) 724-6050
- Integrated Health Clinic (Muskegon): (231) 724-1335
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Arbor Circle Counseling Services:
- (616) 456-6571 (Main Number)
- (231) 777-2222 (Muskegon Office)
- Catholic Charities of West Michigan Counseling Program (Muskegon): (616) 356-6247
- Family Outreach Center (Muskegon): (231) 332-4060
- Hackley Community Care (Muskegon): (231) 737-1335
- Michigan Behavioral Consultants (Muskegon): (888) 665-7246
- Wedgwood Professional Counseling Services (Muskegon): (616) 930-5004
- Arbor Circle Counseling Services:
- HealthWest
- Network180
- Serving Kent County
- Crisis and Access Line: (616) 336-3909 or (800) 749-7720
- Network 180 Outpatient Offices:
- Access Center and Clinical Office (Grand Rapids): (616) 336-3909
- Integrated Behavioral Health Center (Grand Rapids): (616) 336-3909
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Arbor Circle Counseling Services:
- (616) 456-6571 (Main Number)
- (616) 456-6571 (Main Campus, Grand Rapids)
- (616) 451-3001 (The Bridge, Grand Rapids)
- (616) 459-7215 (Kent Counseling Center, Grand Rapids)
- Catholic Charities of West Michigan Counseling Program (Grand Rapids): (616) 356-6247
- Cherry Health Counseling Centers (Grand Rapids):
- (616) 965-8291 (Heart of the City Counseling Center)
- (616) 235-7272 (Cherry Street Health Center)
- (616) 235-1480 (Westside Health Center)
- (616) 965-8333 (Wyoming Health Center, Wyoming)
- Family Outreach Center:
- (616) 247-3815 (Grand Rapids Main Office)
- (616) 988-1479 (Grand Rapids Southwest Office)
- Hope Network Therapy and Counseling Services (Grand Rapids): (855) 922-2282
- Michigan Behavioral Consultants (Grand Rapids): (888) 665-7246
- New Oakland Family Centers (Kentwood): (616) 466-7708
- North Kent Guidance Services (Grand Rapids): (616) 361-5001
- Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services:
- (866) 852-4001 (Main Number)
- (616) 891-8770 (Caledonia Clinic, Caledonia)
- (616) 258-7429 (Campus Clinic, Grand Rapids)
- (616) 364-1500 (Northeast Clinic, Grand Rapids)
- (616) 222-3720 (Northwest Clinic, Grand Rapids)
- (616) 222-3700 (Southwest Clinic, Grandville)
- (616) 956-1122 (Christian Counseling, Grand Rapids)
- (616) 281-6341 (Neuromodulation Clinic, Grand Rapids)
- (616) 455-9200 (Psychiatric Urgent Care, Grand Rapids)
- Reliance Integrated Wellness Center (Grand Rapids): (616) 954-1555
- Wedgwood Professional Counseling Services (Grand Rapids): (616) 942-7294
- Arbor Circle Counseling Services:
- Network180
- West Michigan CMH System
- Serving Lake, Mason, and Oceana Counties
- Main Number: (231) 845-6294
- Crisis Line: (800) 992-2061
- West Michigan CMH Outpatient Clinics:
- Lake County Clinic (Baldwin): (231) 745-4659
- Mason County Clinic (Ludington): (231) 845-6294
- Oceana County Clinic (Hart): (231) 873-2108
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Baldwin Family Health Care Clinic (Baldwin): (231) 745-4624
- Trinity Health Behavioral Health Services:
- (231) 873-6900 (Hart Integrated Care)
- (231) 843-2543 (Ludington Integrated Care)
- (231) 861-2187 (Shelby Integrated Care)
- West Michigan CMH System
- Region 4 PIHP: Southwest Michigan Behavioral Health
- Serving Barry, Berrien, Branch, Calhoun, Cass, Kalamazoo, St. Joseph, and Van Buren Counties
- Main Number: (800) 676-0423
- Access Line: (800) 675-7148
- Customer Service: (800) 890-3712
- Region 4 Community Mental Health Services Programs (CMHSPs):
- Barry County CMH Authority
- Serving Barry County
- Main Number: (269) 948-8041
- Crisis Line: (866) 266-4781
- After-Hours Line: (800) 873-0511
- Barry County CMH Outpatient Clinics:
- Barry County Clinic (Hastings): (269) 948-8041
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Cherry Health Center (Hastings): (269) 945-4220
- Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services (Hastings): (269) 408-9158
- Barry County CMH Authority
- Berrien Mental Health Authority (Riverwood Center)
- Serving Berrien County
- Main Number: (269) 925-0585 or (800) 336-0341
- Crisis and Access Line: (269) 925-0585 or (800) 336-0341
- Riverwood Center Outpatient Clinics:
- NorthStar Center (Saint Joseph): (269) 982-7844
- Benton Harbor Clinic: (269) 925-0585
- Niles Office: (269) 684-4270
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Community Healing Centers (Saint Joseph): (269) 556-1526
- Intercare Community Health:
- (855) 869-6900 (Eau Claire Health Center)
- (855) 869-6900 (Benton Harbor Health Center)
- (855) 869-6900 (Benton Harbor Women’s Health Center)
- Life Coach Psychology (Berrien Springs): (269) 815-5331
- Sacred Heart Center (Berrien Center): (269) 815-5500
- Southwestern Medical Clinic Christian Counseling and Psychological Services (Stevensville): (269) 429-7727
- Berrien Mental Health Authority (Riverwood Center)
- Community Mental Health of St. Joseph County (Pivotal)
- Serving St. Joseph County
- Main Number: (269) 467-1000
- Crisis Line: (800) 622-3967
- Pivotal Outpatient Clinics:
- Main Office (Centreville): (269) 467-1000
- Sturgis Office (Sturgis): (269) 467-1904
- Three Rivers Office (Three Rivers): (269) 467-1903
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Covered Bridge Healthcare (Centreville): (269) 467-3228
- Community Mental Health of St. Joseph County (Pivotal)
- Integrated Services of Kalamazoo
- Serving Kalamazoo County
- Administration: (269) 553-8000
- Crisis and Access Line: (269) 373-6000 or (888) 373-6200
- Integrated Services of Kalamazoo Outpatient Clinics:
- Portage Street Outpatient Clinic (Kalamazoo): (269) 553-7132
- Crosstown Parkway Psychiatric Clinic (Kalamazoo): (269) 553-7037
- Behavioral Health Urgent Care Clinic (Kalamazoo: (269) 373-6000
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Community Healing Centers (Kalamazoo): (269) 343-1651
- The Counseling Center at Family and Children Services (Kalamazoo): (269) 344-0202
- Family Health Center (Kalamazoo): (269) 349-2641
- Joy Unlimited Christian Counseling Center (Portage): (269) 488-5929
- Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services:
- (866) 852-4001 (Main Number)
- (269) 343-6700 (Kalamazoo Clinic)
- (269) 910-7327 (Portage Clinic)
- The Synergy Health Center (Kalamazoo): (269) 323-1954
- Willow Path Counseling Services (Kalamazoo): (269) 459-8889
- WMU Behavioral Health Clinic (Kalamazoo): (269) 387-7000
- WMU School of Medicine Behavioral Health Clinic (Kalamazoo): (269) 337-6373
- Integrated Services of Kalamazoo
- Pines Behavioral Health Services
- Serving Branch County
- Main Number: (517) 278-2129
- Crisis Line: (888) 725-7534
- Pines Behavioral Health Services Outpatient Clinics:
- Pines Adult Outpatient Clinic (Coldwater): (517) 278-2129
- Pines Behavioral Health Services
- Summit Pointe
- Serving Calhoun County
- Main Number: (269) 966-1460
- Crisis Line: (800) 632-5449
- Summit Pointe Outpatient Locations:
- Main Office (Battle Creek): (269) 966-1460
- South Office (Battle Creek): (269) 979-8333
- Albion Office (Albion): (517) 629-5531
- First Step Psychiatric Urgent Care (Battle Creek): (800) 632-5449
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Behavioral Health Care PC (Battle Creek): (269) 969-6108
- Bronson Behavioral Health (Battle Creek): (269) 245-3850
- Comforts of Home Counseling (Battle Creek): (269) 964-0153
- Life Coach Psychology (Battle Creek): (269) 883-6560
- Oaklawn Psychological Services (Marshall): (269) 781-9119
- Summit Pointe
- Van Buren Community Mental Health Authority
- Serving Van Buren County
- Main Number: (269) 657-5574 or (269) 637-5297
- Crisis Line: (800) 922-1418
- Van Buren CMH Outpatient Services:
- Paw Paw Office: (269) 657-5574
- South Haven Office (269) 637-5297
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Intercare Community Health (Bangor): (855) 869-6900
- Water’s Edge Counseling Services (South Haven): (269) 214-1234
- Van Buren Community Mental Health Authority
- Woodlands Behavioral Healthcare Network
- Serving Cass County
- Main Number: (269) 445-2451
- Crisis Line: (269) 445-2451 or (800) 323-0335
- Woodlands BHN Outpatient Locations:
- Main Location (Cassopolis): (269) 445-2451
- Austin Street Location (Cassopolis): (269) 445-2451
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Cassopolis Family Clinic Behavioral Health:
- (269) 445-3874 (Cassopolis)
- (269) 665-8800 (Niles)
- Cassopolis Family Clinic Behavioral Health:
- Woodlands Behavioral Healthcare Network
Central Michigan Clinics and Crisis Lines
- Region 5 PIHP: Mid-State Health Network
- Serving Arenac, Bay, Clare, Clinton, Eaton, Gladwin, Gratiot, Hillsdale, Huron, Ingham, Ionia, Isabella, Jackson, Mecosta, Midland, Montcalm, Newaygo, Osceola, Saginaw, Shiawassee, and Tuscola Counties
- Customer Service: (844) 405-3094
- Access Line: (844) 405-3095
- Region 5 Community Mental Health Services Programs (CMHSPs):
- Bay-Arenac Behavioral Health
- Serving Arenac and Bay Counties
- Main Number: (989) 895-2300
- Access Line: (800) 448-5498
- Crisis Line: (989) 895-2300 or (800) 327-4693
- Bay-Arenac Behavioral Health Outpatient Clinics:
- Mulholland Clinic (Bay City): (989) 895-2300
- Arenac Center (Standish): (989) 846-4573
- North Bay Center (Kawkawlin): (989) 684-2531
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Catholic Family Service (Bay City): (989) 892-2504
- Great Lakes Bay Health Centers
- Bayside (Bay City): (989) 671-2000
- Bay City South (Bay City): (989) 922-5700
- Women’s Care Center (Bay City): (989) 667-3377
- List Psychological Services PLC (Bay City): (989) 684-7977
- McLaren Bay Psychiatric Associates (Bay City): (989) 922-4900
- MPA Group NFP (Bay City): (989) 667-9661
- Recovery Pathways (Essexville): (989) 928-3566
- Sacred Heart Center (Bay City): (989) 894-2991
- Saginaw Psychological Services (Bay City): (989) 439-1513
- Sterling Area Health Center (Sterling): (989) 654-2491
- Bay-Arenac Behavioral Health
- CMH for Central Michigan
- Serving Clare, Gladwin, Isabella, Mecosta, Midland, and Osceola Counties
- Main Number: (989) 772-5938
- Crisis Line: (800) 317-0708
- Central Michigan CMH Outpatient Clinics:
- Clare County Center (Harrison): (989) 539-2141
- Gladwin County Center (Gladwin): (989) 426-9295
- Isabella County Center (Mt. Pleasant): (989) 772-5938
- Midland County Center (Midland): (989) 631-2320
- Mecosta County Center (Big Rapids): (231) 796-5825
- Osceola County Center (Reed City): (231) 832-2247
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Catholic Charities of West Michigan Counseling Program (Big Rapids): (616) 356-6247
- Family and Children’s Services of Mid-Michigan (Midland): (989) 631-5390
- Family Health Psychiatric and Counseling Center (Mt. Pleasant): (989) 400-4588
- Mid-Michigan Family LTD (Mt. Pleasant): (989) 773-9600
- Partners in Change (Midland and Mt. Pleasant): (989) 832-2165
- Ten Sixteen Recovery Network (co-occurring disorder treatment):
- (989) 631-0241 (Midland)
- (989) 817-7915 (Mt. Pleasant)
- (989) 802-0742 (Clare)
- (989) 426-8886 (Gladwin)
- (231) 527-2000 (Big Rapids)
- CMH for Central Michigan
- CMH Authority of Clinton-Eaton-Ingham Counties
- Serving Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties
- Main Number: (517) 346-8200
- Access Line: (517) 346-8318
- Crisis Line: (517) 346-8460
- Clinton-Eaton-Ingham CMH Outpatient Clinics:
- Jolly Road Administration Building (Lansing): (517) 346-8200
- Clinton County Counseling Center (St. Johns): (989) 224-6729
- Eaton County Counseling Center (Charlotte): (517) 543-5100
- Wellness Counseling Center Waverly (Lansing): (517) 489-5337
- Wellness Counseling Center Forest (Lansing): (517) 993-0613
- Healthcare Integration Program (Lansing): (517) 346-8029
- Shiawassee Street Clinic (Lansing): (517) 371-2077
- Tranter Street Clinic (Lansing): (517) 346-8380
- Mason Rural Outreach Program (Mason): (517) 676-2461
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Child and Family Charities Counseling Program (Lansing): (517) 882-4000 x151
- Highfields Behavioral Health Services (Lansing): (517) 887-2762
- Michigan State University Psychiatry Clinic (East Lansing): (517) 353-3070
- New Oakland Family Centers (Okemos): (517) 679-2050
- Mindful Therapy (St. Johns): (989) 388-4185
- Safe Center Domestic and Sexual Violence Services (St. Johns): (989) 723-9716
- Sparrow Behavioral Health Services (Lansing): (517) 364-7700
- CMH Authority of Clinton-Eaton-Ingham Counties
- Gratiot Integrated Health Network
- Serving Gratiot County
- Main Number: (989) 463-4971 or (800) 622-5583
- Crisis Line: (989) 463-4971 or (800) 622-5583
- Gratiot Integrated Health Network Outpatient Clinics:
- Main Office (Alma): (989) 463-4971
- Satellite Office (St. Louis): (989) 463-4971
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Partial Hospitalization Program at MyMichigan Medical Center (Alma): (989) 466-3253
- Family Health Psychiatric and Counseling Center (Alma): (989) 463-2779
- Mindful Therapy (Ithaca): (989) 388-4185
- Gratiot Integrated Health Network
- Huron Behavioral Health
- Serving Huron County
- Main Number: (989) 269-9293
- Access Line: (800) 448-5498
- Crisis Line: (800) 356-5568
- Huron Behavioral Health Outpatient Locations:
- Main Office: (Bad Axe): (989) 269-9293
- Access Center (Bay City): (800) 448-5498
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Blue Water Counseling (Fort Gratiot): (810) 985-5125
- Great Lakes Bay Health Centers (Bad Axe): (989) 623-0137
- Harbor Beach Community Hospital Mental Health Services (Harbor Beach): (989) 479-3942
- Lakeshore Therapy Counseling Offices:
- (810) 689-4846 (Bad Axe)
- (810) 689-4846 (Sandusky)
- (810) 689-4846 (Lexington)
- List Psychological Services PLC:
- (989) 453-3051 (Pigeon)
- (989) 975-6696 (Bad Axe)
- Huron Behavioral Health
- LifeWays CMH
- Serving Hillsdale and Jackson Counties
- Main Number: (517) 780-3332
- Access Line: (517) 789-1209
- Crisis Line: (800) 284-8288
- LifeWays CMH Outpatient Clinics:
- Jackson Clinic: (517) 789-1209
- Hillsdale Clinic: (517) 439-2641
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Arbor Hills Psychological Services:
- (517) 750-3869 (Jackson)
- (517) 750-3869 (Hillsdale)
- Catholic Charities of Jackson, Lenawee, and Hillsdale Counties Counseling Services:
- (517) 782-2551 (Jackson)
- (517) 263-2191 (Adrian)
- Family Service and Children’s Aid (Jackson): (517) 787-7920
- Henry Ford Behavioral Health Outpatient Services (Jackson): (517) 205-4730
- Highfields Behavioral Health Services (Jackson): (517) 783-4250
- Recovery Technology LLC (Jackson): (517) 780-3336
- Segue Inc.:
- (517) 437-0117 (Hillsdale)
- (517) 783-3434 (Jackson)
- Training and Treatment Innovations:
- (877) 688-5900 (Main Number)
- (517) 782-0010 (Jackson)
- Arbor Hills Psychological Services:
- LifeWays CMH
- Montcalm Care Network
- Serving Montcalm County
- Main Number: (989) 831-7250
- Crisis Line: (800) 377-0974
- Montcalm Care Network Outpatient Offices:
- Main Office (Stanton): (989) 831-7520
- Satellite Office (Greenville): (989) 831-7520
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Catholic Charities of West Michigan Counseling Program (Stanton): (616) 356-6247
- Cherry Health Montcalm Area Health Center (Greenville): (616) 225-9650
- North Kent Guidance Services (Greenville): (616) 754-2364
- Samaritan Health Care (Greenville): (616) 358-2208
- Transitions Counseling Services (Greenville): (616) 754-9420
- Montcalm Care Network
- Newaygo County Mental Health Center
- Serving Newaygo County
- Main Number: (231) 689-7330
- Crisis Line: (231) 689-7580 or (800) 968-7330
- Newaygo County Mental Health Center Outpatient Locations:
- Main Office (White Cloud): (231) 689-7330
- Rec Center Office (Fremont): (231) 689-7330
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Arbor Circle Counseling (Newaygo): (231) 652-1780
- Catholic Charities of West Michigan Counseling Program (White Cloud): (616) 356-6247
- Family Health Care Clinics:
- (231) 834-0444 (Grant)
- (231) 689-5943 (White Cloud)
- Newaygo County Mental Health Center
- The Right Door for Hope, Recovery, and Wellness
- Serving Ionia County
- Main Number: (616) 527-1790
- Crisis Line: (888) 527-1790
- The Right Door Outpatient Offices:
- Ionia Office: (616) 527-1790
- Belding Office: (616) 794-6592
- Portland Office: (517) 647-2128
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Viewpointe Counseling (Ionia): (616) 523-6537
- The Right Door for Hope, Recovery, and Wellness
- Saginaw County CMH Authority
- Serving Saginaw County
- Main Number: (989) 797-3400 or (800) 258-8678
- Access Line: (989) 797-3559 or (800) 233-0022
- Crisis Line: (989) 792-9732 or (800) 233-0022
- Saginaw County CMH Authority Outpatient Clinics:
- Main Office (Saginaw): (989) 797-3400
- Supports Coordination (Saginaw): (989) 797-3400
- Health Home and Wellness Center (Saginaw): (989) 797-3452
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Hope Network Counseling Services (Saginaw): (989) 401-9015
- List Psychological Services PLC (Saginaw): (810) 790-3130
- Sacred Heart Center (Saginaw): (989) 776-6000
- Saginaw Psychological Services (Saginaw): (989) 799-2100
- Training and Treatment Innovations (Saginaw): (989) 799-0066
- Westlund Guidance Clinic (Saginaw): (989) 793-4790
- Saginaw County CMH Authority
- Shiawassee Health and Wellness
- Serving Shiawassee County
- Main Number: (989) 723-6791
- Access Line: (989) 723-0763
- Crisis Line: (989) 723-6791 or (800) 622-4514
- Shiawassee Health and Wellness Outpatient Clinics:
- Shiawassee Outpatient Clinic (Owosso): (989) 723-6791
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Catholic Charities of Shiawassee and Genesee Counties (Owosso): (989) 723-8239
- Recovery Pathways (Corunna): (989) 494-0404
- Safe Center Domestic and Sexual Violence Services (Owosso): (989) 723-9716
- Taylor Life Center (Owosso): (844) 431-0982
- Shiawassee Health and Wellness
- Tuscola Behavioral Health Systems
- Serving Tuscola County
- Main Number: (989) 673-6191 or (800) 462-6814
- Crisis Line: (989) 673-6191 or (800) 462-6814
- Tuscola BHS Outpatient Locations:
- Outpatient Clinic (Caro): (989) 673-6191
- Integrated Wellness Clinic (Caro): (989) 673-6191
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- List Psychological Services PLC (Caro): (989) 673-5700
- Thumb Area Psychological Services (Cass City): (989) 872-1800
- Tuscola Behavioral Health Systems
East and Southeast Michigan Clinics and Crisis Lines
- Region 6 PIHP: CMH Partnership of Southeast Michigan
- Serving Lenawee, Livingston, Monroe, and Washtenaw Counties
- Main Number: (734) 344-6079 or (855) 571-0021
- CMHPSM Help Desk: (734) 337-0004
- Region 6 Community Mental Health Services Programs (CMHSPs):
- Lenawee CMH Authority
- Serving Lenawee County
- Main Number: (517) 263-8905
- Crisis and Access Line: (517) 263-8905 or (800) 664-5005
- Lenawee CMH Authority Outpatient Location:
- Main Office (Adrian): (517) 263-8905
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Catholic Charities of Jackson, Lenawee, and Hillsdale Counties (Adrian): (517) 263-2191
- Counseling of Lenawee (Adrian): (517) 759-6979
- Family Counseling and Children’s Services (Adrian): (517) 265-5352
- Family Medical Center of Michigan (Adrian): (517) 263-1800
- Hilltop Youth and Young Adult Counseling (Adrian): (517) 920-4080
- Parkside Family Counseling (Adrian): (517) 266-8880
- Lenawee CMH Authority
- Livingston County CMH Authority
- Serving Livingston County
- Main Number: (517) 548-0081
- Crisis and Access Line: (517) 546-4126 or (800) 615-1245
- Livingston County CMH Outpatient Locations:
- Administration (Howell): (517) 548-0081
- East Complex (Howell): (517) 546-4126
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Karen Bergbower and Associates (Brighton): (810) 225-9550
- LifeStance Health (Brighton): (517) 882-3732
- Livingston County Catholic Charities Counseling Services (Howell): (517) 545-5944
- Livingston Family Center (Pinckney): (810) 231-9591
- Livingston County CMH Authority
- Monroe CMH Authority
- Serving Monroe County
- Main Number: (734) 243-7340
- Crisis and Access line: (800) 886-7340
- Monroe CMH Outpatient Location:
- Monroe County Mental Health Clinic (Monroe): (734) 243-7340
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (Monroe): (734) 240-3850
- Family Counseling Shelter Services (Monroe): (734) 241-0180
- Family Medical Center of Michigan:
- (734) 654-2169 (Carleton)
- (734) 654-2169 (Monroe)
- (734) 654-2169 (Temperance)
- Human Potential Center (Monroe): (734) 241-7478
- Monroe CMH Authority
- Washtenaw County CMH
- Serving Washtenaw County
- Main Number: (734) 544-3050
- Crisis and Access line: (734) 544-3050
- Washtenaw County CMH Outpatient Locations:
- Main Office (Ypsilanti): (734) 544-3050
- Adult Services Office (Ann Arbor): (734) 544-3050
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County (Ann Arbor): (734) 926-0155
- Trinity Health Chelsea Behavioral Health (Chelsea): (734) 593-5251
- New Oakland Family Centers (Ann Arbor): (734) 669-3610
- Still Waters Counseling (Ann Arbor and Saline): (734) 944-3446
- Thrive Clinical Services (Ann Arbor): (734) 436-4249
- University of Michigan Medicine Department of Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic: (Ann Arbor): (734) 764-0231
- Washtenaw County CMH
- Region 7 PIHP and CMHSP: Detroit-Wayne Integrated Health Network
- Serving Wayne County
- Main Number: (313) 344-9099
- Crisis and Access Line: (800) 241-4949
- Customer Service: (888) 490-9698
- Detroit-Wayne IHN Outpatient Locations:
- DWMHA Office (Detroit): (313) 833-2500
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- All Well-Being Services (Detroit): (313) 924-7860
- Arab-American and Chaldean Council:
- (313) 893-6172 (Seven Mile Road, Detroit)
- (313) 581-7287 (West Warren, Dearborn)
- Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (Dearborn): (313) 945-8138
- American Indian Health and Family Services (Detroit): (313) 846-6030
- Ascension Eastwood Behavioral Health Clinics:
- (313) 343-7230 (Detroit)
- (734) 425-4070 (Livonia)
- Black Family Development (Detroit): (313) 758-0150
- Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (Detroit): (313) 335-3261
- Central City Integrated Health (Detroit): (313) 831-3160
- CNS Healthcare Clinics:
- (800) 615-0411 (Main Number)
- (877) 242-4140 (Detroit Adult Services)
- Development Centers (Detroit): (313) 531-2500
- Detroit Medical Center Ardmore Clinic (Detroit): (313) 966-2100
- The Guidance Center:
- (734) 785-7711 (Appointments)
- (734) 785-7700 (Adult Behavioral Health, Taylor)
- (734) 785-7700 (Adult Behavioral Health, Southgate)
- Hegira Health:
- (734) 458-4601 (Administration)
- (734) 523-8250 (Westland Counseling Center, Westland)
- (734) 425-0636 (Adult Outpatient Services, Westland)
- (734) 744-0170 (Livonia Counseling Center, Livonia)
- (313) 389-7500 (Outpatient Treatment, Lincoln Park)
- (313) 389-7500 (Outpatient Treatment, Taylor)
- LifeStance Health:
- (517) 882-3732 (Canton)
- (517) 882-3732 (Taylor)
- Lincoln Behavioral Services:
- (313) 450-4500 (Redford)
- (734) 459-5590 (Plymouth)
- New Oakland Family Centers:
- (734) 772-9548 (Livonia)
- (734) 225-2090 (Southgate)
- Oakland Psychological Clinic (Livonia): (734) 522-0280
- Professional Outreach Counseling Services (Wayne): (313) 292-7640
- Ruth Ellis Health and Wellness Center (Highland Park): (313) 365-3338
- Southwest Solutions Adult Counseling Clinic (Detroit): (313) 841-8900
- Spectrum Human Services (Westland): (734) 513-1122
- Starfish Behavioral Health Services:
- (888) 355-5433 (Appointments)
- (734) 713-9271 (Inkster)
- (248) 615-9730 (Livonia)
- (734) 261-1842 (Westland)
- Team Wellness Center:
- (313) 396-5300 (Eastern Market Clinic, Detroit)
- (313) 331-3435 (Team East Clinic, Detroit)
- (734) 412-8800 (Team West Clinic, Westland)
- (734) 324-8326 (Southgate Clinic, Southgate)
- University of Detroit Mercy Counseling Clinic (Detroit): (313) 993-1093
- Wayne State University Adult Psychiatric Treatment Clinics:
- (313) 577-1396 (Detroit)
- (734) 464-4220 (Livonia)
- Wayne State University Psychology Clinic (Detroit): (313) 577-2840
- Region 8 PIHP and CMHSP: Oakland Community Health Network
- Serving Oakland County
- Main Number: (248) 858-1210
- Access Line: (248) 464-6363
- Customer Service: (800) 341-2003
- Crisis Line: (800) 231-1127 or 988
- Oakland CMH Service Location:
- Main Office (Troy): (248) 858-1210
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Arab-American and Chaldean Council (Southfield): (248) 354-8460
- Archway Counseling (Farmington Hills and Royal Oak): (248) 827-8801
- Ascension Eastwood Behavioral Health Clinics:
- (248) 849-3301 (Southfield)
- (248) 844-6234 (Rochester Hills)
- (248) 226-3001 (Novi)
- Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (Royal Oak): (248) 548-4044
- CNS Healthcare Clinics:
- (800) 615-0411 (Main Number)
- (248) 745-4900 (Waterford)
- (248) 745-4900 (Novi)
- (248) 745-4900 (Southfield)
- (248) 745-4900 (Pontiac)
- Common Ground Crisis Counseling (Pontiac): (800) 231-1127
- Easter Seals Adult Outpatient Behavioral Health Services:
- (248) 706-3450 (Pontiac)
- (248) 276-8000 (Clarkston)
- (248) 372-6800 (Southfield)
- (248) 313-2900 (Walled Lake)
- (248) 475-6300 (Auburn Hills)
- LifeStance Health:
- (517) 882-3732 (Clarkston)
- (517) 882-3732 (Southfield)
- New Oakland Family Centers:
- (248) 620-6400 (Clarkston)
- (248) 855-1540 (Farmington Hills)
- Oakland Psychological Clinic:
- (248) 322-0001 (Bloomfield Hills)
- (248) 393-5555 (Lake Orion)
- (248) 684-6400 (Milford)
- (248) 559-5558 (Southfield)
- River’s Bend PC:
- (248) 585-3239 (Troy)
- (248) 702-6132 (West Bloomfield)
- Training and Treatment Innovations:
- (877) 688-5900 (Main Number)
- (248) 969-9932 (Oxford)
- (248) 524-8801 (Troy)
- Sacred Heart Center (Madison Heights): (248) 658-1116
- Region 9 PIHP and CMHSP: Macomb County CMH Services
- Serving Macomb County
- Main Number: (586) 469-5275
- Access Center: (855) 996-2264
- Customer Service: (855) 996-2264
- Crisis Line: (586) 307-9100
- Macomb County CMH Outpatient Locations:
- MCCMH North: (Clinton Township): (586) 469-7629
- MCCMH West (Sterling Heights): (586) 783-8113
- MCCMH East (St. Clair Shores): (586) 466-6912
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Arab-American and Chaldean Council (Sterling Heights): (586) 939-5016
- Ascension Eastwood Behavioral Health Clinics:
- (586) 445-2210 (Saint Clair Shores)
- (586) 738-9320 (Warren)
- (586) 792-5335 (Clinton Township)
- (586) 566-3020 (Shelby Charter Township)
- The Center for Counseling (New Baltimore): (586) 273-7095
- Chaldean Foundation Behavioral Health Services (Sterling Heights): (586) 722-7253
- Clinton Counseling Center (Mount Clemens): (586) 468-2266
- Community First Health Centers (New Haven): (810) 488-8000 x213
- Crossing Paths Christian Counseling (Shelby Township): (586) 884-4714
- Easter Seals Adult Outpatient Behavioral Health Services:
- (586) 501-3070 (Center Line)
- (586) 263-8700 (Clinton Township)
- Hope Network Behavioral Health Clinic (Mount Clemens): (586) 627-0024
- LifeStance Health (St. Clair Shores): (517) 882-3732
- Macomb Family Services:
- (586) 226-3440 (Clinton Township)
- (586) 727-5529 (Richmond)
- (586) 752-9696 (Romeo)
- New Day Mental Wellness (Sterling Heights): (586) 612-3225
- New Oakland Family Centers:
- (586) 759-4400 (Center Line)
- (586) 412-5321 (Clinton Township)
- (586) 825-9700 (Warren)
- Oakland Psychological Clinic (Fraser): (586) 294-3030
- Pathways 2 Christian Counseling Center (Warren): (586) 558-6868
- Renewal Christian Counseling Center (Mount Clemens): (586) 783-2950
- Sacred Heart Center:
- (810) 392-2167 (Richmond)
- (586) 541-9550 (St. Clair Shores)
- Taylor Life Center (Sterling Heights): (844) 431-0982
- Training and Treatment Innovations:
- (877) 688-5900 (Main Number)
- (586) 939-4374 (Sterling Heights)
- Wentworth and Associates (Utica): (586) 997-3153
- Region 10 PIHP
- Serving Genesee, Lapeer, Sanilac, and St. Clair Counties
- Main Number: (810) 966-3399
- Crisis and Access Line (Genesee County): (810) 257-3740 or (877) 346-3648
- Crisis and Access Line (Lapeer, Sanilac, and St. Clair Counties): (810) 987-6911 or (888) 225-4447
- Region 10 Community Mental Health Services Programs (CMHSPs):
- Genesee Health System
- Serving Genesee County
- Main Number: (810) 257-3705
- Toll-Free Number: (866) 211-5455
- Crisis and Access Line: (810) 257-3740
- Genesee Health System Outpatient Clinics:
- (810) 257-3705 (Flint Main Campus)
- (810) 496-5500 (Behavioral Health Urgent Care)
- (810) 496-5777 (Genesee Community Health Center, Flint)
- (810) 496-5777 (Genesee Community Health Center, Burton)
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Catholic Charities of Shiawassee and Genesee Counties:
- (810) 232-9950 (Sheridan Center, Flint)
- (810) 265-7025 (Center for Hope, Flint)
- Easter Seals Adult Outpatient Behavioral Health Services (Flint): (810) 238-0475
- Genesee Community Health Center Behavioral Health Services:
- (810) 496-5777 (Flint)
- (810) 496-5777 (Burton)
- Hamilton Community Health Network (Flint): (810) 406-4246
- Hurley Medical Center Outpatient Mental Health Clinic (Flint): (810) 262-2100
- New Oakland Family Centers (Flint): (810) 957-4310
- Oakland Psychological Clinic:
- (810) 732-0560 (Flint)
- (810) 695-0055 (Grand Blanc)
- Sacred Heart Center (Flint): (810) 732-1652
- Taylor Life Center (Flint): (844) 318-4893
- Training and Treatment Innovations:
- (877) 688-5900 (Main Number)
- (810) 232-6081 (Flint)
- Catholic Charities of Shiawassee and Genesee Counties:
- Genesee Health System
- Lapeer County CMH Services
- Serving Lapeer County
- Main Number: (810) 667-0500
- Access Line: (888) 225-4447
- Daytime Crisis Line: (810) 667-0500
- After-Hours Crisis Line: (888) 225-4447
- Lapeer County CMH Outpatient Locations:
- Main Office (Lapeer): (810) 667-0500
- Harmony Hall (Lapeer): (810) 667-0251
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (Lapeer): (810) 664-4646
- List Psychological Services PLC (Lapeer): (810) 667-4500
- Lapeer County CMH Services
- Sanilac County CMH
- Serving Sanilac County
- Main Number: (810) 648-0330
- Access Line: (888) 225-4447
- Crisis Line: (888) 225-4447
- Sanilac County CMH Outpatient Locations:
- David Ehardt Center (Sandusky): (810) 648-0330
- Croswell Clinic (Croswell): (810) 648-0330
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Advantage Counseling and Education Services (Croswell): (810) 679-0200
- Eva’s Place Women’s Shelter (Sandusky): (866) 336-7283
- Lakeshore Therapy Counseling Offices:
- (810) 689-4846 (Sandusky)
- (810) 689-4846 (Lexington)
- Sanilac County CMH
- Saint Clair County CMH Services
- Serving St. Clair County
- Main Number: (810) 985-8900
- Access Line: (888) 225-4447
- Crisis Line: (810) 966-2575
- Saint Clair County Community Mental Health Clinics:
- (810) 985-8900 (Main Site, Port Huron)
- (810) 765-5010 (Marine City)
- (810) 395-4343 (Capac)
- Additional private outpatient providers:
- Blue Water Counseling (Fort Gratiot): (810) 985-5125
- Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (Port Huron): (810) 987-9100
- Community First Health Centers (Port Huron): (810) 488-8000 x331
- New Oakland Family Centers (Port Huron): (810) 357-0760
- NorServ Group (St. Clair): (810) 329-4798 or (888) 326-2565
- Professional Counseling Center PC (Port Huron): (810) 984-4202
- Renewal Christian Counseling (Port Huron): (810) 966-0099
- Sacred Heart Center (Port Huron): (810) 987-1258
- Saint Clair County CMH Services
If you need information after hours or aren’t sure whether you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, it’s okay to call a crisis line for help. The staff who answer are trained to quickly figure out what you need and can tell you what steps you need to take to connect with the right services.
Also Consider: Federally Qualified Health Centers
Federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) are another great way to get affordable publicly-funded mental health services in Michigan.
These federally-funded programs provide cutting-edge care in places where good primary healthcare was once hard to find. Most provide integrated care, meaning you can get primary medical and mental health services at the same location.
Each FQHC accepts Medicaid and Medicare and offers low sliding-scale fees if you don’t have insurance. Their eligibility requirements are generally less strict than the requirements for the state-funded system.
You can search for FQHCs near you by using the online search tool on the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration website.
Troubleshooting Guide
The state mental health system is complicated and can be confusing to navigate. If you’re having any issues, we’re here to help. Here are some of our solutions to common problems you might experience.
Problems and Solutions
1. You can’t get through to someone on the phone.
Except in extremely rare circumstances, someone should answer a state or local crisis line any time you call. But if you’re not in crisis, the person you talked to gave you another number to call, and you’re having a hard time getting through, you can try going to a walk-in clinic instead.
Many community mental health programs in Michigan run walk-in centers where you can be seen during regular business hours on Monday through Friday. Some let you walk in and wait without an appointment. You can often be seen the same day. If the wait is long or they don’t have availability, you can schedule an appointment and come back.
We recommend checking your CMHSP’s website for walk-in locations and hours.
2. There’s a long waiting list.
State-funded services are often in high demand. Michigan is working to shorten waiting times and make sure you can get seen for essential services right away. However, if you’re not in crisis, you may still have to wait before you can be seen by a therapist or other mental health provider.
Sometimes, it’s worth it to wait if you’ve found a good therapist or service. You can read our article on what to do before your first therapy session for tips on how to maintain your mental health while you wait.
If your symptoms are getting worse and you’re worried you can’t wait, you should call a crisis line. The caring people who answer can help you figure out if you need help right away and tell you where and how to get the level of care you need.
If you’re not in crisis but don’t want to wait, you can still call a state or local hotline. You can also call an intake worker, the main number, or your contact person at the agency to ask if there are other options. There may be another affordable local program they could tell you about that could meet your needs but has a shorter waiting list.
3. You’re not eligible for state-funded services.
If you’re not eligible for state mental health services in Michigan, you’re not eligible for the service you want, or your local program doesn’t offer that service, the people who work there should still be able to help you.
Intake workers usually keep lists of affordable local mental health resources for people who aren’t eligible or would prefer to go somewhere else. Ask for information, a printed resource list, or even a direct referral to another provider.
4. The state system doesn’t offer the service you want.
State mental health programs sometimes have to change or limit the services they offer based on their current funding. If you’re admitted to a CMHSP but it doesn’t offer the service you need, you have two options.
One is to try an alternative service that they do offer. The other is to ask if they can recommend an affordable alternative provider who does offer that service.
If they do offer the service you want, but it’s limited, stand up for yourself if they try to get you to do something else. Don’t accept getting pushed into something you don’t want just because it’s easier for them or because they can get you in faster.
If you’re willing and able to wait, tell them you would prefer to wait for the service you want, whether that’s therapy, medication, or something else.
5. You don’t like your therapist.
You should never accept bad therapy—or bad mental healthcare of any kind—for any reason. This is just as true in the public system as it is anywhere else. If you have a bad therapist, ask for a new one. Tell your main contact person at the agency, an intake worker, or a manager that you want to try a different therapist.
If you’re not sure whether you have a bad therapist, you can read our articles on how to spot an unethical therapist and how to do a background check on a therapist. If you don’t like your therapist but wonder if it the problem might be fixable, you can read our articles, “What If I Don’t Like My Therapist?” and “How to Fix Problems with Your Therapist.”
If you don’t like the first therapist you’re assigned, ask someone at the agency if they have a webpage or list of therapists you can review. You can read their bios and see if you think one might be a better match. Not all agencies do this, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. You can read our article on how to choose a therapist for information on what to look for.
If you’ve run into a problem that we haven’t addressed, don’t give up. Call someone at the program (or a state or local mental health hotline) and tell them what’s going on.
You’re much more likely to get the help you need when you advocate for yourself and are persistent. Tell the person you talk to what you need or what problem you’re having.
If they don’t help the first time, call them back and tell them. If you keep calling and keep calm and focused, you should eventually get through to someone who can help you.
Deep Dive: How Does the System Work?
To understand Michigan’s mental health system, it helps to understand how it started and how it’s changed since then.
Public mental health services have been around for a surprisingly long time. But for over a hundred years in America, the only way to get them was in a psychiatric hospital.
In the 1960s, Americans started thinking differently about mental health care. Conditions in psychiatric hospitals were getting worse and new medications made it possible to provide mental health treatment on an outpatient basis.
In response, new laws were passed that required state and local governments to establish community mental health programs as alternatives to institutionalization for people with serious mental illness. The most important was the Community Mental Health Act, which President John F. Kennedy signed into law in 1963.
For More Information
To learn more about what the public mental health system was like in the early days—and how psychiatric inpatient care has evolved since then—you can read our article “Do Insane Asylums Still Exist? The Surprising Past and Present.”
To learn more about what inpatient mental health treatment is like now, and the differences between how it works in general hospitals and specialized psychiatric facilities, you can read our article “How Inpatient Mental Health Treatment Works.”
Many state mental health programs trace their origins back to the 1960s when these important changes started to happen. Michigan is no exception.
In fact, Michigan passed its own state mental health law, the Community Mental Health Services Act, in 1963, the same year the federal Community Mental Health Act was passed.
Michigan’s first community mental health law encouraged cities and counties across the state to develop local community-based mental health programs. The state’s 1974 Mental Health Code made these recommendations into requirements by defining core minimum mental health services that each county had to provide.
In 1995, Michigan passed a sweeping reform law that completely overhauled its public mental health system. The new law transformed community mental health services programs from government-run agencies into independent organizations as part of a shift toward privatization and managed care.
That year, Michigan also established new Medicaid managed mental health care plans called Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans (PIHPs). To this date, Michigan’s public mental health system is still made up of a network of CMHSPs and PIHPs. There are currently 46 CMHSPs and 10 PIHPs in Michigan.
What Is the Structure of the Michigan Mental Health System?
The Bureau of Specialty Behavioral Health Services in Michigan’s Department of Health and Human Services oversees Michigan’s mental health system on the state level.
Michigan’s state mental health department focuses on statewide policy and planning and administering funds to regional mental health departments and organizations. It also runs the state’s four inpatient psychiatric hospitals.
On the local and regional level, publicly-funded mental health services in Michigan are managed by community mental health services programs (CMHSPs) and Medicaid managed care organizations called Pre-Paid Inpatient Health Plans (PIHPs). There are 46 CMHSPs and 10 PIHPs in Michigan.
Except in Michigan’s three most populous counties (Wayne, Macomb, and Oakland), PIHPs and CMHSPs are separate organizations. While PIHPs develop and oversee local networks of Medicaid-funded mental health providers, CMHSPs directly provide state-funded specialty and outpatient mental health services.
Many CMHSPs in Michigan offer counseling and other outpatient care. However, funds are limited and services are prioritized for people who have severe mental illness. So, PIHPs and CMHSPs contract and collaborate with other local providers to deliver state-funded services.
Independent clinics and practitioners who contract with the state often accept a wider range of clients than CMHSPs, including people with mild or moderate mental health needs. Many accept Medicaid and other insurance plans and offer affordable sliding scale fees.
For decades, Michigan’s mental health system has been recognized as one of the best in the nation. However, Michigan mental health advocates started to worry that the state was losing ground after making several cuts to funding for public mental health services throughout the 2010s.
Access to services has become more limited in the last decade as Michigan’s PIHPs and CMHSPs have increasingly focused on providing services to people who have or who qualify for Medicaid. However, while they have been reduced, some funds remain to help cover the cost of care for people without insurance who don’t qualify for Medicaid.
Michigan has recently made significant efforts to increase funding and access for mental health care. The state is using mental health budget increases to enhance the statewide 988 crisis line, which was launched in 2022; to open new crisis stabilization units; and to expand services at CMHSPs and other community providers so that they meet the federal criteria to be designated as Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs).
You can use these new resources to get the care you need. If you’re in crisis or not sure where to go, you can start by calling 988 or a local crisis line—the people who answer know how the system works and will help you get where you need to go, whether that’s to a crisis stabilization unit, a CMHSP, or a private therapy provider.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, only 46 percent of people in Michigan who have mental health conditions get treatment for them. Many of them qualify for public mental health services but don’t know about them.
You can make a difference by reaching out and connecting with local mental health resources to get the care you need. If you’re not sure whether you qualify for Michigan state mental health services, call your local CMHSP or a state or local crisis line. You may find out you can get mental health services through a state-funded program or that there’s another affordable option nearby.
The most important thing is to get started—the help you need may be only a call or click away.

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