How To Get Affordable State Sponsored Therapy in Alaska
If you’re looking for free or low-cost counseling, you might think your only options are counselors in private practice. However, publicly-funded mental health services are available in every state and may be an option for you. Most state mental health systems offer counseling or therapy to people who qualify for state-funded services.
While state-based programs are not for everyone, they’re often a great place to start if you face geographic or financial barriers to getting therapy. Intake specialists at community mental health programs can help you learn whether you qualify for state-funded services. And even if you don’t qualify, they can often refer you to other low-cost local programs that can meet your needs.

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On This Page
- When Should You Go to a State Mental Health Program?
- Who Is Eligible for Public Mental Health Services in Alaska?
- How Can You Find Out More About Local Programs in Alaska?
- Northern and Arctic Region Clinics and Crisis Lines
- Southwest Region Clinics and Crisis Lines
- Interior Region Clinics and Crisis Lines
- Southcentral Region Clinics and Crisis Lines
- Southeast Region Clinics and Crisis Lines
- Federally Qualified Health Centers
- How Does Alaska's Public Mental Health System Work?
When Should You Go to a State Mental Health Program?
Few private mental health providers are able to immediately serve people in crisis, while most state mental health programs, including Alaska’s, have crisis response systems that help people get mental health care quickly in an emergency. This usually makes public mental health services the best option if you’re having a mental health crisis and need help right away. The people who answer crisis lines can provide caring attention and support as they help you determine the best response to a crisis, whether it’s inpatient treatment or an appointment with a counselor.
In addition to affordable therapy, publicly-funded outpatient mental health programs in Alaska offer specialized and intensive services that aren’t available anywhere else or that are hard to find in private clinics, like case management and psychosocial rehabilitation. Consider going to a publicly-funded provider if you need intensive treatment, live in an area with limited mental health resources, or can’t access mental health care in the private sector due to your diagnosis or financial situation.
Who Is Eligible for Public Mental Health Services in Alaska?
Alaska’s mental health department contracts with private programs to provide publicly-funded outpatient mental health services. Since these providers are privately operated, they have some leeway to set their own eligibility requirements. While state-funded programs generally prioritize clients with severe mental illness or limited incomes, many programs in the Alaska public network serve clients outside of those groups as well. Many publicly-funded programs in Alaska offer affordable therapy to a wide range of clients.
A significant percentage of publicly-funded behavioral health services in Alaska are provided by independent Alaska Native tribal health programs. Some of these programs exclusively serve people of Native American descent while others serve anyone living in the area where they are located. According to the Alaska Native Health Board, Alaska Tribal Health System programs in remote areas are often “the only healthcare providers available, and therefore serve everyone in the area regardless of race.”
Many Alaska Native programs are on the cutting edge of integrated care and have a more holistic perspective, delivering mental health services in the context of integrated primary care. Mental health services provided in this way tend to have less restrictive eligibility criteria than services provided at specialty mental health clinics. In more remote areas of Alaska, behavioral health services are often provided at village clinics by behavioral health aides who fly in to provide direct services on a regular monthly or weekly schedule.
Ultimately, whether people with milder conditions can receive mental health services at a publicly-funded program in Alaska depends on each provider’s capacity and criteria. Financial aid policies vary among providers as well, but most programs in the public network accept both public and private insurance and offer sliding scales or reduced fees to those who qualify.
The best way to find out if you’re eligible for services at a publicly-funded provider in Alaska is to call that provider directly. By talking to them, you can find out what kind of services they offer, whether you might be eligible, and whether financial aid is available. If the provider thinks you may be eligible, they will set up an assessment appointment to confirm or deny your eligibility. If you are not eligible, they can often refer you to other providers that may be a better fit.
How Can You Find Out More About Local Programs in Alaska?
One way you can find out more about local mental health resources in Alaska is to call the 2-1-1 helpline at 211 or (800) 478-2221. You can also use their guided search page to find mental health services in your area. Treatment Connection is another online search engine you can use that shows if programs are accepting new clients. If you’re in crisis, you can call the Alaska Careline at (877) 266-4357 to get immediate support and to learn where you can go to get the care you need.
Public mental health services in Alaska are managed on the state level by the Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) within the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, which is currently being reorganized into two separate agencies. For general information about the Alaska mental health system, you can call DBH at (800) 465-4828.
You can also contact your local program directly. Below, you can find numbers for programs affiliated with the public system in Alaska. We based this list on information from the Alaska Behavioral Health Association members list, the Indian Health Service, and official program sites.
Northern and Arctic Region Clinics and Crisis Lines
- Arctic Slope Native Association:
- Main Number: (907) 852-2762 or (800) 478-3033
- Behavioral Health: (907) 852-9374
- Main Location:
- Samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital (Utqiagvik): (907) 852-2762 or (800) 478-3033
- Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments Yukon Flats Behavioral Health Program:
- Main Number: (907) 662-7545
- Crisis Line: (907) 662-2462 or (800) 478-7425
- Office Locations:
- Yukon Flats Health Center (Fort Yukon): (907) 662-2460
- Nena Russell Clinic (Arctic Village): (907) 587-5229
- Nora Billy Clinic (Beaver): (907) 628-6228
- Margaret Martin Clinic (Fort Yukon): (907) 221-2537
- Myra Roberts Clinic (Venetie): (907) 849-8712
- Maniilaq Association:
- Main Number: (800) 478-3312 or (907) 442-3321
- Behavioral Health Number: (907) 442-7640
- Social Medicine Program: (907) 442-7603
- Wellness Program: (907) 442-7640 x6150
- Clinic Locations:
- Maniilaq Health Center (Kotzebue): (907) 442-3321
- Maniilaq Health Center Outpatient Clinic (Kotzebue): (907) 442-7777
- Maniilaq Counseling and Recovery Center (Ferguson Building, Kotzebue): (907) 442-7640
- Ambler Clinic (Ambler): (907) 445-2129
- Tigautchiaq Amainiq Health Clinic (Buckland): (907) 494-2122
- Pauline Aliitchaq Barr Health Clinic (Deering): (907) 363-2177
- Kiana Clinic (Kiana): (907) 475-2199
- Kivalina Clinic (Kivalina): (907) 645-2141
- Kobuk Clinic (Kobuk): (907) 948-2218
- Esther Barger Memorial Health Clinic (Noatak): (907) 485-2162
- Sally Harvey Memorial Clinic (Noorvik): (907) 636-2103
- Point Hope Clinic (Point Hope): (907) 368-2234
- Selawik Clinic (Selawik): (907) 484-2199
- Shungnak Clinic (Shungnak): (907) 437-2138
- North Slope Borough Behavioral Health Services:
- Main Number: (907) 852-0366
- Main Office Location:
- Integrated Behavioral Health Office (Utqiagvik): (907) 852-0366
- A Village Mental Health Clinician at the Utqiagvik clinic regularly travels to the following clinics to provide in-person services and outreach:
- Anaktuvuk Pass Health Clinic: (907) 661-3914
- Atqasuk Health Clinic: (907) 633-6711
- Kaktovik Health Clinic: (907) 640-6413
- Nuiqsut Health Clinic: (907) 480-6729
- Point Hope Health Clinic: (907) 368-2234
- Point Lay Health Clinic: (907) 833-2526
- Wainwright Health Clinic: (907) 763-2714
- Norton Sound Health Corporation:
- Main Number: (907) 443-3311 or (888) 559-3311
- Behavioral Health Number: (907) 443-3344
- Crisis Line: (907) 443-3200
- Clinic Locations:
- Main Behavioral Health Clinic (Nome): (907) 443-3344
- Brevig Mission Behavioral Health Services: (907) 642-2228
- Elim Clinic Behavioral Health Services: (907) 890-2316
- Gambell Clinic Behavioral Health Services: (907) 985-5110
- Golovin Clinic Behavioral Health Services: (907) 779-2002
- Koyuk Clinic Behavioral Health Services: (907) 963-2462
- Savoonga Clinic Behavioral Health Services: (907) 984-6635
- Shaktoolik Clinic Behavioral Health Services: (907) 955-2409
- Shishmaref Clinic Behavioral Health Services: (907) 649-2150
- Stebbins Clinic Behavioral Health Services: (907) 934-6873
- St. Michael Clinic Behavioral Health Services: (907) 923-2431
- Teller Clinic Behavioral Health Services: (907) 642-2175
- Unalakleet Clinic Behavioral Health Services: (907) 624-3058
- Wales Clinic Behavioral Health Services: (907) 664-2177
- White Mountain Clinic Behavioral Health Services: (907) 638-2113
- Tanana Chiefs Conference Behavioral Health Services:
- Main Number: (907) 452-8251 or (800) 478-6822
- Behavioral Health Number: (907) 459-3800 or (800) 478-7822 x3800
- Care Line (Crisis Line): (877) 266-4357
- Main Office Locations:
- Main Office (Fairbanks): (907) 452-8251
- Chief Andrew Isaac Health Center (Fairbanks): (907) 451-6682
- Village Health Clinics:
- Alatna Village Health Clinic: (907) 968-2314
- Allakaket Village Health Clinic: (907) 968-2248
- Anaktuvuk Pass Counseling Center: (907) 661-3930
- Anvik Village Health Clinic: (907) 663-6334
- Arctic Village Health Clinic: (907) 587-5229
- Beaver Village Health Clinic: (907) 628-6228
- Chalkyitsik Village Health Clinic: (907) 848-8215
- Circle Village Health Clinic: (907) 773-7425
- Dot Lake Village Health Clinic: (907) 882-2737
- Eagle Village Health Clinic: (907) 547-2243
- Evansville Village Health Clinic: (907) 692-5035
- Fort Yukon Village Health Clinic: (907) 662-2460
- Galena Village Health Clinic: (907) 656-1266
- Grayling Village Health Clinic: (907) 453-5120
- Healy Lake Village Health Clinic: (907) 876-5036
- Holy Cross Village Health Clinic: (907) 476-7174
- Hughes Village Health Clinic: (907) 889-2211
- Husila Village Health Clinic: (907) 829-2253
- Kaltag Village Health Clinic: (907) 534-2209
- Koyukuk Village Health Clinic: (907) 927-2221
- Manley Hot Springs Village Health Clinic: (907) 672-3333
- McGrath Village Health Clinic: (907) 524-3299
- Minto Village Health Clinic: (907) 798-7412
- Nenana Village Health Clinic: (907) 832-5247
- Nikolai Village Health Clinic: (907) 293-2328
- Northway Village Health Clinic: (907) 778-2311
- Nulato Village Health Clinic: (907) 898-2209
- Rampart Village Health Clinic: (907) 358-3129
- Ruby Village Health Clinic: (907) 468-4433
- Shageluk Village Health Clinic: (907) 473-8231
- Stevens Village Health Clinic: (907) 478-7215
- Takotna Village Health Clinic: (907) 298-2212
- Tanacross Village Health Clinic: (907) 883-4131
- Tanana Village Health Clinic: (907) 366-7222
- Tetlin Village Health Clinic: (907) 324-2151
- Tok Village Health Clinic: (907) 883-5855
- Venetie Village Health Clinic: (907) 849-8712
Southwest Region Clinics and Crisis Lines
- Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association Behavioral Health Services:
- Appointment Line: (907) 222-9764 or (844) 375-2742
- Warm Line: (844) 359-2743
- Office Locations:
- Main Office (Anchorage): (907) 276-2700
- Atka Clinic (Atka): (907) 839-2232
- Oonalaska Wellness Center (Unalaska): (907) 581-2751
- Nikolski Clinic (Nikolski): (907) 576-2204 or (907) 581-2751
- Saint George Clinic (St. George): (907) 859-2254 or (907) 222-4218
- Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation:
- Main Number: (907) 842-5201 or (800) 478-5201
- Crisis Line: (907) 842-5201 or Dillingham Police at (907) 842-5354 (ask for the counselor on call)
- Behavioral Health Number: (907) 842-1230 or (800) 510-1230
- Office Location:
- Bristol Bay Area Behavioral Health Center (Dillingham): (907) 842-1230 or (800) 510-1230
- Consumer Direct Care Network Alaska:
- Main Number: (888) 966-8777
- Office Locations:
- Anchorage Office: (907) 222-2652
- Homer Office: (907) 226-1157
- Kenai Office: (907) 283-0809
- Ketchikan Office: (907) 220-9461
- Kodiak Office: (907) 481-3070
- Wasilla Office: (907) 357-7962
- Eastern Aleutian Tribes:
- Main Number: (907) 277-1440
- Behavioral Health Number: (844) 870-1750
- Clinic Locations:
- Adak Community Health Center (Adak): (907) 592-8383
- Anesia Kudrin Memorial Clinic (Akutan): (907) 698-2208
- Anna Livingston Memorial Clinic (Cold Bay): (907) 532-2000
- Anna Hoblet Memorial Clinic (False Pass): (907) 548-2742
- King Cove Community Health Center (King Cove): (907) 497-2311
- Paul Martin Gundersen Memorial Clinic (Nelson Lagoon): (907) 989-2202
- Sand Point Community Health Center (Sand Point): (907) 383-3151
- Whittier Community Health Center (Whittier): (907) 472-2303
- Kodiak Area Native Association:
- Main Number: (907) 486-9800
- Behavioral Health Number: (907) 486-9812
- Facility Locations:
- KANA Main (Kodiak): (907) 486-9800 or (888) 258-9870
- Mill Bay Health Center (Kodiak): (907) 486-9870
- Wellness Center (Kodiak): (907) 486-1377
- Near Island (Kodiak): (907) 486-9879
- Carolyn Street (Kodiak): (907) 486-7380
- Akhiok Clinic (Akhiok): (907) 836-2230
- Larsen Bay Clinic (Larsen Bay): (907) 847-2208
- Old Harbor Clinic (Old Harbor): (907) 286-2205
- Ouzinkie Clinic (Ouzinkie): (907) 680-2265
- Port Lions Clinic (Port Lions): (907) 454-2275
- Providence Health and Services Alaska Outpatient Behavioral Health Clinics:
- Providence Alaska Kodiak Island Medical Center Counseling Center (Kodiak Island): (907) 481-2400
- Southcentral Foundation:
- Main Number: (907) 729-4955 or (800) 478-3343
- Outpatient Mental Health Clinics and Programs:
- Benteh Nuutah Valley Native Primary Care Center Behavioral Health Clinic (Wasilla): (907) 631-7800
- Anchorage Native Primary Care Center Behavioral Health Clinic (Anchorage): (907) 729-2500
- Fireweed Clinic Behavioral Health Department (Anchorage): (907) 729-2500
- Traditional Healing Clinic (Anchorage): (907) 729-4958
- Quyana Clubhouse (Anchorage): (907) 729-6550
- The Pathway Home (Anchorage): (907) 729-5020
- Integrated Primary Care Clinics and Community Health Centers:
- Anchorage Native Primary Care Center (Anchorage): (907) 729-3300
- Benteh Nuutah Valley Native Primary Care Clinic (Wasilla): (907) 631-7800
- C’eyiits’ Hwnax Life House Community Health Center (Sutton): (907) 631-7665
- Eklutna Community Clinic (Chugiak): (907) 688-6031
- Indian Creek Health Clinic (Tyonek): (907) 583-2461
- McGrath Regional Health Center (McGrath): (907) 524-3299
- Nilavena Subregional Health Center (Iliamna): (907) 571-1818
- Kokhanok Community Health Center (Kokhanok): (907) 282-2203
- Port Alsworth Community Health Center (Port Alsworth): (907) 781-2256
- Pedro Bay Community Health Clinic (Pedro Bay): (907) 850-2229
- Nondalton Community Health Clinic (Nondalton): (907) 294-2238
- Igiugig Community Health Clinic (Igiugig): (907) 533-3207
- Junior “Doc” Gregory Memorial Clinic (Nikolai): (907) 293-2328
- Takotna Clinic (Takotna): (907) 298-2214
- Paul Community Health Center (St. Paul Island): (907) 546-8300
- Tanana Chiefs Conference Behavioral Health Services:
- Main Number: (907) 452-8251 or (800) 478-6822
- Behavioral Health Number: (907) 459-3800 or (800) 478-7822 x3800
- Care Line (Crisis Line): (877) 266-4357
- Main Office Locations:
- Main Office (Fairbanks): (907) 452-8251
- Chief Andrew Isaac Health Center (Fairbanks): (907) 451-6682
- Village Health Clinics:
- Alatna Village Health Clinic: (907) 968-2314
- Allakaket Village Health Clinic: (907) 968-2248
- Anaktuvuk Pass Counseling Center: (907) 661-3930
- Anvik Village Health Clinic: (907) 663-6334
- Arctic Village Health Clinic: (907) 587-5229
- Beaver Village Health Clinic: (907) 628-6228
- Chalkyitsik Village Health Clinic: (907) 848-8215
- Circle Village Health Clinic: (907) 773-7425
- Dot Lake Village Health Clinic: (907) 882-2737
- Eagle Village Health Clinic: (907) 547-2243
- Evansville Village Health Clinic: (907) 692-5035
- Fort Yukon Village Health Clinic: (907) 662-2460
- Galena Village Health Clinic: (907) 656-1266
- Grayling Village Health Clinic: (907) 453-5120
- Healy Lake Village Health Clinic: (907) 876-5036
- Holy Cross Village Health Clinic: (907) 476-7174
- Hughes Village Health Clinic: (907) 889-2211
- Husila Village Health Clinic: (907) 829-2253
- Kaltag Village Health Clinic: (907) 534-2209
- Koyukuk Village Health Clinic: (907) 927-2221
- Manley Hot Springs Village Health Clinic: (907) 672-3333
- McGrath Village Health Clinic: (907) 524-3299
- Minto Village Health Clinic: (907) 798-7412
- Nenana Village Health Clinic: (907) 832-5247
- Nikolai Village Health Clinic: (907) 293-2328
- Northway Village Health Clinic: (907) 778-2311
- Nulato Village Health Clinic: (907) 898-2209
- Rampart Village Health Clinic: (907) 358-3129
- Ruby Village Health Clinic: (907) 468-4433
- Shageluk Village Health Clinic: (907) 473-8231
- Stevens Village Health Clinic: (907) 478-7215
- Takotna Village Health Clinic: (907) 298-2212
- Tanacross Village Health Clinic: (907) 883-4131
- Tanana Village Health Clinic: (907) 366-7222
- Tetlin Village Health Clinic: (907) 324-2151
- Tok Village Health Clinic: (907) 883-5855
- Venetie Village Health Clinic: (907) 849-8712
- Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation:
- Main Number: (907) 543-6000
- Crisis Line: (907) 543-6499 or (844) 543-6499
- Outpatient Behavioral Health Services Number: (907) 543-6100
- Sub-Regional Clinic Locations:
- Bethel (Kusko, Yukon and Delta) Outpatient Clinics: (907) 543-6442
- Aniak Outpatient Clinic: (907) 675-4556
- Emmonak Outpatient Clinic: (907) 949-3500
- Hooper Bay Outpatient Clinic: (907) 758-3500
- Mary’s Outpatient Clinic: (907) 438-3500
- Toksook Bay Outpatient Clinic: (907) 427-3500
- Village Clinics:
- Akiachak Village Clinic: (907) 825-4011
- Akiak Village Clinic: (907) 765-7125
- Alakanuk Village Clinic: (907) 238-3210
- Anvik Village Clinic: (907) 663-6334
- Atmautluak Village Clinic: (907) 553-5114
- Chefornak Village Clinic: (907) 867-8919
- Chevak Village Clinic: (907) 858-7029
- Chuathbaluk Village Clinic: (907) 467-4114
- Crooked Creek Village Clinic: (907) 432-2222
- Eek Village Clinic: (907) 536-5314
- Grayling Village Clinic: (907) 453-5120
- Holy Cross Village Clinic: (907) 476-7174
- Kasigluk Village Clinic: (907) 477-6211
- Kipnuk Village Clinic: (907) 896-5927
- Kongiganak Village Clinic: (907) 557-5127
- Kotlik Village Clinic: (907) 899-4511
- Kwethluk Village Clinic: (907) 757-6627
- Kwigillingok Village Clinic: (907) 588-8526
- Lower Kalskag Village Clinic: (907) 471-2294
- Marshall Village Clinic: (907) 679-6226
- Mekoryuk Village Clinic: (907) 827-8111
- Mountain Village Clinic: (907) 591-2255
- Napaskiak Village Clinic: (907) 589-2711
- Newtok Village Clinic: (907) 237-2111
- Nighmute Village Clinic: (907) 647-6312
- Nunam Iqua Village Clinic: (907) 498-4015
- Nunapitchuk Village Clinic: (907) 527-5227
- Oscarville Village Clinic: (907) 737-7231
- Pilot Station Village Clinic: (907) 549-3127
- Pitka’s Point Village Clinic: (907) 438-2546
- Quinhagak Village Clinic: (907) 556-8320
- Russian Mission Village Clinic: (907) 584-5529
- Scammon Bay Village Clinic: (907) 558-5511
- Shageluk Village Clinic: (907) 473-8231
- Sleetmute Village Clinic: (907) 449-4222
- Stony River Village Clinic: (907) 537-3228
- Tuluksak Village Clinic: (907) 695-6991
- Tuntutuliak Village Clinic: (907) 256-2718
- Tununak Village Clinic: (907) 652-6012
- Upper Kalskag Village Clinic: (907) 471-2276
Interior Region Clinics and Crisis Lines
- Alaska Behavioral Health:
- Main Number (Anchorage): (907) 563-1000
- Main Number (Fairbanks): (907) 371-1300
- Crisis Line (Anchorage): (907) 563-3200
- Crisis Line (Fairbanks): (888) 371-1309
- Adult Outpatient Mental Health Office Locations:
- Adult Services (Anchorage): (907) 563-1000
- Adult Services (Fairbanks): (907) 371-1300
- Steven Cohen Military Family Clinic (Anchorage): (907) 762-8668
- Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments Yukon Flats Behavioral Health Program:
- Main Number: (907) 662-7545
- Crisis Line: (907) 662-2462 or (800) 478-7425
- Office Locations:
- Yukon Flats Health Center (Fort Yukon): (907) 662-2460
- Nena Russell Clinic (Arctic Village): (907) 587-5229
- Nora Billy Clinic (Beaver): (907) 628-6228
- Margaret Martin Clinic (Fort Yukon): (907) 221-2537
- Myra Roberts Clinic (Venetie): (907) 849-8712
- Fairbanks Native Association Behavioral Health Services:
- Main Number: (907) 452-6251
- Office Location:
- Ralph Perdue Center (Fairbanks): (907) 452-6251
- Railbelt Mental Health and Addictions:
- Main Number: (907) 832-5557 or (800) 478-5554
- Office Locations:
- Main Office (Nenana): (907) 832-5557 or (800) 478-5554
- Healy Office: (907) 683-2743 or (800) 478-2744
- Anderson City Office: (907) 582-2720
- Itinerant seasonal offices in Denali Park and Cantwell.
- Tanana Chiefs Conference Behavioral Health Services:
- Main Number: (907) 452-8251 or (800) 478-6822
- Behavioral Health Number: (907) 459-3800 or (800) 478-7822 x3800
- Care Line (Crisis Line): (877) 266-4357
- Main Office Locations:
- Main Office (Fairbanks): (907) 452-8251
- Chief Andrew Isaac Health Center (Fairbanks): (907) 451-6682
- Village Health Clinics:
- Alatna Village Health Clinic: (907) 968-2314
- Allakaket Village Health Clinic: (907) 968-2248
- Anaktuvuk Pass Counseling Center: (907) 661-3930
- Anvik Village Health Clinic: (907) 663-6334
- Arctic Village Health Clinic: (907) 587-5229
- Beaver Village Health Clinic: (907) 628-6228
- Chalkyitsik Village Health Clinic: (907) 848-8215
- Circle Village Health Clinic: (907) 773-7425
- Dot Lake Village Health Clinic: (907) 882-2737
- Eagle Village Health Clinic: (907) 547-2243
- Evansville Village Health Clinic: (907) 692-5035
- Fort Yukon Village Health Clinic: (907) 662-2460
- Galena Village Health Clinic: (907) 656-1266
- Grayling Village Health Clinic: (907) 453-5120
- Healy Lake Village Health Clinic: (907) 876-5036
- Holy Cross Village Health Clinic: (907) 476-7174
- Hughes Village Health Clinic: (907) 889-2211
- Husila Village Health Clinic: (907) 829-2253
- Kaltag Village Health Clinic: (907) 534-2209
- Koyukuk Village Health Clinic: (907) 927-2221
- Manley Hot Springs Village Health Clinic: (907) 672-3333
- McGrath Village Health Clinic: (907) 524-3299
- Minto Village Health Clinic: (907) 798-7412
- Nenana Village Health Clinic: (907) 832-5247
- Nikolai Village Health Clinic: (907) 293-2328
- Northway Village Health Clinic: (907) 778-2311
- Nulato Village Health Clinic: (907) 898-2209
- Rampart Village Health Clinic: (907) 358-3129
- Ruby Village Health Clinic: (907) 468-4433
- Shageluk Village Health Clinic: (907) 473-8231
- Stevens Village Health Clinic: (907) 478-7215
- Takotna Village Health Clinic: (907) 298-2212
- Tanacross Village Health Clinic: (907) 883-4131
- Tanana Village Health Clinic: (907) 366-7222
- Tetlin Village Health Clinic: (907) 324-2151
- Tok Village Health Clinic: (907) 883-5855
- Venetie Village Health Clinic: (907) 849-8712
Southcentral Region Clinics and Crisis Lines
- Akeela:
- Main Number (Anchorage): (907) 565-1200 or (800) 478-7738
- Psychiatric Emergency Services (Ketchikan): (907) 225-4135
- Office Locations:
- Assessment Center (Anchorage): (907) 433-7080
- Anchorage Outpatient Mental Health Services: (907) 433-7123
- Gateway Outpatient Mental Health Services (Ketchikan): (907) 225-4135
- Mat-Su Outpatient Mental Health Services (Palmer): (907) 707-1291
- Alaska Behavioral Health:
- Main Number (Anchorage): (907) 563-1000
- Main Number (Fairbanks): (907) 371-1300
- Crisis Line (Anchorage): (907) 563-3200
- Crisis Line (Fairbanks): (888) 371-1309
- Adult Outpatient Mental Health Office Locations:
- Adult Services (Anchorage): (907) 563-1000
- Adult Services (Fairbanks): (907) 371-1300
- Steven Cohen Military Family Clinic (Anchorage): (907) 762-8668
- Alaska Family Services:
- Main Number and Crisis Line: (907) 746-4080 or (866) 746-4080
- Office Location:
- Behavioral Health Treatment Center (Palmer): (907) 376-4000
- Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association Behavioral Health Services:
- Appointment Line: (907) 222-9764 or (844) 375-2742
- Warm Line: (844) 359-2743
- Office Locations:
- Main Office (Anchorage): (907) 276-2700
- Atka Clinic (Atka): (907) 839-2232
- Oonalaska Wellness Center (Unalaska): (907) 581-2751
- Nikolski Clinic (Nikolski): (907) 576-2204 or (907) 581-2751
- Saint George Clinic (St. George): (907) 859-2254 or (907) 222-4218
- Birchwood Behavioral Health (Anchorage): (907) 349-2222
- Central Peninsula Hospital Behavioral Health Services:
- Intake Line and Main Number: (907) 714-4521
- Mental Health Emergency Line: (907) 714-5353
- Service Location:
- Central Peninsula Hospital Mental Health Services (Soldotna): (907) 714-4521
- Chickaloon Native Village Health and Social Services:
- Main Number: (907) 745-0704
- Office Location:
- Chickaloon Community Health Center (Sutton): (907) 631-7665
- Choices, Inc. (Anchorage): (907) 333-4343
- Chugachmiut:
- Main Number: (907) 562-4155 or (800) 478-4155
- Behavioral Health Crisis Line: (844) 891-0444
- Clinic Locations:
- North Star Clinic (Seward): (907) 224-3490 or (800) 224-3076
- Chenega Clinic: (907) 573-5129
- Nanwalek Clinic: (907) 281-2250 or (907) 281-2251
- Port Graham Clinic: (907) 284-2241 or (907) 284-2295
- Tatitlek Clinic: (907) 325-2235 or (907) 325-2234
- Consumer Direct Care Network Alaska:
- Main Number: (888) 966-8777
- Office Locations:
- Anchorage Office: (907) 222-2652
- Homer Office: (907) 226-1157
- Kenai Office: (907) 283-0809
- Ketchikan Office: (907) 220-9461
- Kodiak Office: (907) 481-3070
- Wasilla Office: (907) 357-7962
- Copper River Native Association:
- Main Number: (907) 822-5241
- Crisis Line: (907) 320-1520
- Office Locations:
- Main Office (Copper Center): (907) 822-5241
- Cantwell Village Clinic: (907) 768-2122
- Gakona Village Clinic: (907) 822-5175 or (907) 822-5335
- Gulkana Village Clinic: (907) 822-3646
- Native Village of Tazlina Clinic: (907) 822-4385
- Native Village of Kluti-Kaah Clinic (Glenallen): (907) 822-3541
- Cordova Community Medical Center’s Sound Alternatives:
- Main Number: (907) 424-8200
- After-Hours Number: (907) 424-8000
- Behavioral Health Number: (907) 424-8300
- Office Location:
- Cordova Community Medical Center (Cordova): (907) 424-8200
- Daybreak, Inc. (Services for people with serious mental illness):
- Main Number: (907) 746-6019 or (888) 933-0102
- Office Locations:
- Main Office (Palmer): (907) 746-6019
- Anchorage Office: (888) 933-0102
- Valley Reentry Program (Wasilla): (907) 671-6343
- Denali Family Services:
- Main Number: (907) 274-8281
- Intake Number: (907) 222-2321
- Office Locations:
- North Anchorage Office: (907) 274-8281
- South Anchorage Office: (907) 222-2379
- Mat-Su Office (Wasilla): (907) 376-3275
- Frontier Community Services:
- Main Number: (907) 262-6331
- Office Locations:
- Soldotna Office: (907) 262-6331
- Valdez Office: (907) 835-4504
- Kenaitze Indian Tribe:
- Main Number: (907) 335-7200
- Behavioral Health Number: (907) 335-7500
- Crisis Line: (877) 266-4357
- Clinic Location:
- Dena’ina Wellness Center (Kenai): (907) 335-7500
- Mat-Su Health Services, Inc.:
- Main Number and Crisis Line: (907) 376-2411
- Office Locations:
- Wasilla Office: (907) 376-2411
- Big Lake Office: (907) 376-2411
- Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium Health Services:
- Main Number: (907) 822-5399
- Clinic Locations:
- Mentasta Clinic: (907) 291-2320
- Chistochina Clinic: (907) 822-3280
- Native Village of Eklutna Health and Wellness:
- Main Number: (907) 688-6031
- Office Location:
- Eklutna Village Clinic (Chugiak): (907) 688-6031
- Native Village of Eyak Ilanka Community Health Center:
- Main Number: (907) 424-3622
- Office Location:
- Ilanka Community Health Center (Cordova): (907) 424-3622
- Ninilchik Traditional Council Behavioral Health Program:
- Main Number: (907) 567-3370
- Office Location:
- Ninilchik Community Clinic: (907) 567-3970
- Peninsula Community Health Services of Alaska:
- Main Number: (907) 262-3119
- Crisis Line: (907) 714-5353
- Clinic Locations:
- Soldotna Clinic: (907) 262-3119
- Kenai Clinic: (907) 262-3119
- Providence Health and Services Alaska Emergency Behavioral Health Services:
- Providence Alaska Medical Center Psychiatric Emergency Department (Anchorage): (907) 563-3200
- Providence Alaska Medical Center Crisis Recovery Center (Anchorage): (907) 563-5006
- Providence Alaska Medical Center Adult Inpatient Mental Health Unit (Anchorage): (907) 212-3040
- Providence Health and Services Alaska Outpatient Behavioral Health Clinics:
- Providence Alaska Behavioral Health Anchorage (Anchorage): (907) 212-6900
- Providence Alaska Behavioral Health Clinic Mat-Su (Palmer): (907) 761-5800
- Providence Alaska Kodiak Island Medical Center Counseling Center (Kodiak Island): (907) 481-2400
- Providence Alaska Valdez Medical Center Counseling Center (Valdez): (907) 835-2838
- Seaview Community Services:
- Main Number: (907) 224-5257
- Crisis Line: (907) 224-3027
- Office Location:
- Main Office (Seward): (907) 224-5257
- Seldovia Village Tribe Health and Wellness:
- Main Number: (907) 226-2228
- Clinic Locations:
- Homer Clinic: (907) 226-2228
- Seldovia Clinic: (907) 435-3262
- Anchor Point Clinic: (907) 226-2238
- South Peninsula Behavioral Health Services:
- Main Number: (907) 235-7701
- Crisis Line: (907) 235-0247
- Mental Health Office Locations:
- Main Office (Homer): (907) 235-7701
- Adult Rehab Services (Homer): (907) 235-9209
- Southcentral Foundation:
- Main Number: (907) 729-4955 or (800) 478-3343
- Outpatient Mental Health Clinics and Programs:
- Benteh Nuutah Valley Native Primary Care Center Behavioral Health Clinic (Wasilla): (907) 631-7800
- Anchorage Native Primary Care Center Behavioral Health Clinic (Anchorage): (907) 729-2500
- Fireweed Clinic Behavioral Health Department (Anchorage): (907) 729-2500
- Traditional Healing Clinic (Anchorage): (907) 729-4958
- Quyana Clubhouse (Anchorage): (907) 729-6550
- The Pathway Home (Anchorage): (907) 729-5020
- Integrated Primary Care Clinics and Community Health Centers:
- Anchorage Native Primary Care Center (Anchorage): (907) 729-3300
- Benteh Nuutah Valley Native Primary Care Clinic (Wasilla): (907) 631-7800
- C’eyiits’ Hwnax Life House Community Health Center (Sutton): (907) 631-7665
- Eklutna Community Clinic (Chugiak): (907) 688-6031
- Indian Creek Health Clinic (Tyonek): (907) 583-2461
- McGrath Regional Health Center (McGrath): (907) 524-3299
- Nilavena Subregional Health Center (Iliamna): (907) 571-1818
- Kokhanok Community Health Center (Kokhanok): (907) 282-2203
- Port Alsworth Community Health Center (Port Alsworth): (907) 781-2256
- Pedro Bay Community Health Clinic (Pedro Bay): (907) 850-2229
- Nondalton Community Health Clinic (Nondalton): (907) 294-2238
- Igiugig Community Health Clinic (Igiugig): (907) 533-3207
- Junior “Doc” Gregory Memorial Clinic (Nikolai): (907) 293-2328
- Takotna Clinic (Takotna): (907) 298-2214
- St. Paul Community Health Center (St. Paul Island): (907) 546-8300
Southeast Region Clinics and Crisis Lines
- Akeela:
- Main Number (Anchorage): (907) 565-1200 or (800) 478-7738
- Psychiatric Emergency Services (Ketchikan): (907) 225-4135
- Office Locations:
- Assessment Center (Anchorage): (907) 433-7080
- Anchorage Outpatient Mental Health Services: (907) 433-7123
- Gateway Outpatient Mental Health Services (Ketchikan): (907) 225-4135
- Mat-Su Outpatient Mental Health Services (Palmer): (907) 707-1291
- Annette Island Service Unit:
- Main Number: (907) 886-6977
- Office Location:
- Annette Island Outpatient Medical Clinic (Metlakatla): (907) 886-4742
- Bartlett Regional Hospital:
- Main Number: (907) 796-8900
- Mental Health Programs:
- Bartlett Hospital Mental Health Unit (Juneau): (907) 796-8430
- Bartlett Outpatient Psychiatry Services (Juneau): (907) 796-8498
- Consumer Direct Care Network Alaska:
- Main Number: (888) 966-8777
- Office Locations:
- Anchorage Office: (907) 222-2652
- Homer Office: (907) 226-1157
- Kenai Office: (907) 283-0809
- Ketchikan Office: (907) 220-9461
- Kodiak Office: (907) 481-3070
- Wasilla Office: (907) 357-7962
- JAMHI Health and Wellness Inc.:
- Main Number: (907) 463-3303 or (855) 463-3303
- Crisis Line: (855) 463-3303
- Clinic Locations:
- Salmon Creek Clinic (Juneau): (907) 463-3303
- Midtown Clinic (Juneau): (907) 463-6882
- JAMHI Family (Juneau): (907) 463-6877
- Ketchikan Indian Community Behavioral Health:
- Main Number: (907) 228-4900
- Behavioral Health Number: (907) 228-9203
- After-Hours Emergency Line: (907) 228-9499
- Clinic Location:
- KIC Tribal Health Clinic (Ketchikan): (907) 228-4900
- Petersburg Mental Health Services:
- Main Number: (907) 772-3332
- Office Location:
- Main Office (Petersburg): (907) 772-3332
- Sitka Counseling and Prevention:
- Main Number: (907) 747-3636
- Crisis Line: (888) 906-4538
- Office Location:
- Main Office (Sitka): (907) 747-3636
- Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC):
- Main Number: (907) 463-4000
- SEARHC Helpline (Crisis Line): (877) 294-0074
- Outpatient Behavioral Health Locations:
- Mt. Edgecumbe Medical Center (Sitka): (907) 966-2411
- Mt. Edgecumbe Medical Center Outpatient Behavioral Health Clinic (Sitka): (907) 966-8611
- Mountainside Behavioral Health (Petersburg): (907) 772-4963
- Craig Behavioral Health (Craig): (907) 755-4986
- Lynn Canal Behavioral Health Clinic (Haines): (907) 766-6313
- Hoonah Health Center (Hoonah): (907) 945-2735
- Alma Cook Health Center (Hydaburg): (907) 285-3462
- Ethel Lund Medical Center (Juneau): (907) 463-4040
- Juneau Behavioral Health (Juneau): (907) 364-4445
- Alicia Roberts Medical Center (Klawock): (907) 755-4800
- Klukwan Health Center (Klukwan): (907) 766-6335
- Wrangell Behavioral Health (Wrangell): (907) 874-2373
- Local Community Family Services Programs:
- Angoon CFS: (907) 788-4632
- Craig CFS: (907) 755-4986
- Haines CFS: (907) 766-6831
- Hoonah CFS: (907) 945-3517
- Hydaburg CFS: (907) 285-3465
- Kake CFS: (907) 785-6515
- Klawock CFS: (907) 755-4935
- Petersburg CFS: (907) 772-4963
- Wrangell CFS: (907) 874-2373
- Integrated Primary Care Clinics:
- Jessie Norma Jim Health Center (Angoon): (907) 788-4600
- Gustavus Clinic (Gustavus): (907) 697-3008
- Haines Health Center (Haines): (907) 766-6300
- Hoonah Health Center (Hoonah): (907) 945-2735
- Alma Cook Health Center (Hydaburg): (907) 285-3462
- Ethel Lund Medical Center (Juneau): (907) 463-4040
- Mt. Edgecumbe Medical Center Primary Care (Sitka): (907) 966-8318
- Front Street Clinic (Juneau): (907) 364-4565
- Kake Health Center (Kake): (907) 785-3333
- Kasaan Health Center (Kasaan): (907) 542-2222
- Mountainside Family Clinic (Sitka): (907) 747-1722
- Alicia Roberts Medical Center (Klawock): (907) 755-8400
- Klukwan Health Center (Klukwan): (907) 766-6335
- Pelican Health Center (Pelican): (907) 735-2250
- Sitka Medical Center (Sitka): (907) 966-8761
- Thorne Bay Health Center (Thorne Bay): (877) 755-4800
- Wrangell Medical Center (Wrangell): (907) 874-7000
- Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Behavioral Health Services:
- Main Number: (907) 784-3275
- Clinic Location:
- Yakutat Community Health Center (Yakutat): (907) 784-3275
Federally Qualified Health Centers
Federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) are another option for public mental health care in Alaska. These federally-funded programs provide medical and mental health services to people in underserved communities. Their goal is to deliver high-quality coordinated care to people with complex needs and to link behavioral healthcare with primary medical care. Each FQHC accepts Medicaid and Medicare and offers sliding-scale fees to people without insurance. You can search for FQHCs using the online search tool on the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration website.
How Does Alaska's Public Mental Health System Work?
Because of Alaska’s unique history, it doesn’t have a single unified public mental health system or even two separate and distinct public mental health systems for Native and non-Native people. Instead, it has different systems that work in tandem to meet the needs of their communities and ultimately the state as a whole.
The state mental health system overseen by the Division of Behavioral Health was established a few years before the state was founded. Prior to statehood in 1959, Alaska treated mental illness like a crime and sent people who needed mental health treatment to a psychiatric hospital in the state of Oregon. The Alaska Mental Health Enabling Act was passed in 1956 as part of Alaska’s transition to statehood so Alaskans wouldn’t have to leave the state for services any more.
The Act established the Alaska Mental Health Trust as the funding source for the mental health system. It continues to fund mental health programs across the state. At first, the Trust focused on funding inpatient services like those provided by the Alaska Psychiatric Institute, but the state shifted toward a community-based system in the 1970s. Many community-based providers that continue to serve Alaskans today, like Alaska Behavioral Health, were founded in the 1970s.
The modern era of Alaska Native mental health services also began in 1971 with the passage of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. This unique law addressed Alaska Native land claims by establishing Alaska Native corporations instead of reservations. This gave Alaska Native tribes more financial autonomy and the ability to choose whether to run their health programs independently or in collaboration with the Indian Health Service.
Alaska Native people have used a combination of traditional wisdom and modern ideas to create innovative health systems. Alaska Native mental health services are often delivered through integrated health programs instead of separate mental health systems. Integrated programs are designed to serve the entire community rather than just specific groups or types of individuals. People from all over the world visit Alaska to study and learn from these programs, which have inspired a growing integrated care movement across the country (and the world).
While Alaska’s system is unique, it faces many of the same challenges other state mental health systems do. For a long time, Alaska has struggled with insufficient inpatient mental health capacity. As a result, people needing emergency mental health services often end up waiting for days or even weeks in jails or hospital emergency rooms for admission to an inpatient facility. Fortunately, there is a statewide effort to improve Alaska’s mental health crisis response services by implementing the new Crisis Now system.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), only 37 percent of people in Alaska who have mental health conditions get treatment for them. One reason for the care gap is that people aren’t aware of their options for affordable mental health care, including the public mental health system. You can help change these statistics by reaching out and using your local mental health resources to get the care you need.

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