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Suicide & Crisis Lines

Anti-Poison Center
021 97 98 98
The number is for the poison control center. You can call in case of ingestion or exposure to any unknown substance. It will ask you some questions and direct you to the necessary measures.

Civil Protection

Green Line
To warn of the disappearance and kidnapping of children in order to provide assistance to the victim. The new line has been placed at the disposal of citizens to reinforce the lines “1548” and “17” in order to strengthen protection for the remaining vulnerable groups, such as the elderly with amnesia and people with special needs who are in moral and psychological danger.

Mustafa Pasha Hospital

National Gendarmerie

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Mental Health Conditions & Family Support

Algerian Association for Family Planning - Psychological Support Cell 
1005 or 021782967
The Algerian Association for Family Planning has launched, in collaboration with the Algerian Red Crescent, a psychological support cell via a green line (from 8 am to 5 pm).

Mental Hospital - Sour El Ghozlane - Bouira 
Feeling frustrated, hopeless, depressed, panicky, anxious, or anxious
Do you suffer from these symptoms after infection with the Corona virus?
The listening and follow-up cell at the level of our hospital institution listens to your call

The National Commission for the Protection and Promotion of Childhood 
Providing psychological counseling and accompanying children and families, noting that these counseling are provided by “psychologists affiliated with the National Commission for the Protection and Promotion of Childhood.”

Online Counseling

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