Does BetterHelp Have Christian Counselors?
BetterHelp employs a wide range of therapists, including Christian counselors. You can specify whether you’re looking for a Christian therapist on BetterHelp’s sign-up questionnaire. BetterHelp uses this to match you with a therapist licensed in your state. You are also easily able to switch therapists after sign-up.
When Might You Want Christian Counseling?
You may simply want to see a Christian counselor because you feel more comfortable working with someone who has the same spiritual background and perspective as you. That is reason enough.
However, there may be circumstances in which Christian counseling is even more relevant to your needs in therapy. You may want to consider seeing a Christian therapist if:
- You are experiencing religious or spiritual issues that are the main reason you’re seeking therapy right now.
- Your faith is a primary source of strength in dealing with the challenges you face and you want to talk to your therapist extensively about it.
- You are struggling with doubt, questions about what you believe, or crises of faith that you would like to explore with a therapist who can address them as a fellow Christian.
- You are going through something in your life that is making you feel guilty or alienated from your faith—such as substance use or marital, relationship, or sexual problems—that you would like to talk about with someone who can offer a Christian perspective.
If any of these apply, we encourage you to seek a faith-based counselor who can address your needs in therapy. You can find Christian counselors on both BetterHelp and Faithful Counseling and may want to compare available therapists on both sites to see where you can find a better match.
How Much Is BetterHelp?
BetterHelp bills every 4 weeks and costs $65-$100 per week, prior to any offers, discounts, or financial aid. Your exact cost will depend on several factors such as where you live. To see you actual cost, follow the sign-up quiz (there is no obligation to join).
BetterHelp offers income-based financial aid. If you qualify for financial aid, it can reduce your cost significantly.
To apply for financial aid, follow this link. When you enter your payment details, look for the “Apply for Financial Aid” link and click it. Next, answer a few questions about your income and ability to pay.
Any discount you receive is instant and based on a good-faith representation of your finances.
Note that you get the most value out of your BetterHelp subscription if you get weekly video sessions (which is our recommended way of using BetterHelp).